A proposal to showcase the fusion of Old World life with New World sustainablility.

Jul 04, 2008 21:10

I'd like to travel the world, taking photographic and written accounts of the eco-villages springing up around the globe and to visit the old tribal settlements to compare, to educate the reader through my experiences and to see what is effective and what is not when founding and running a sustainable village. Though there is already a book publish on the history and how eco-villages work, and how to run them, my main focus will be illustrating the towns around the world and fusing them with city life. I'd also like to incorporate dietary issues supporting a vegetarian diet, and promoting easy to make raw-foods. (Raw food can be so tedious!)

What do I hope to gain from the Old world villages?

An understanding. The ways they've lived and live now with the land are valid still. It's important to keep these kinds of settlements alive, to give support and show that it is possible to live outside of a city to maintain heritage, culture and independence. I think alot of small villages rely on major cities for convenience, location and necessity. Choosing to to become more independent, when possible, creates diversity in agriculture and handicrafts, and also promotes local work and resources. Cultural beauty, community and global resources.

What do I hope to gain from the Eco-villages?

An almanac of sustainable communities. A gateway of how to get involved and go about living in one, or many, with the intent of bringing communities closer, advancement in personal growth, technological growth and balance within a world, while not our own, still in our limited control. Bring the eco-villages to the city! Instead of expanding into green spaces (that are in short supply) introduce more community gardens, local merchandise in cities, better waste management, recycling/composting, banning of plastic bags and harmful pesticides/herbicides.

A few links to some websites of communities and resources I've found, to date.
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