Table of Contents
Waking up in New MooreII.
New Moore IslandIII.
Accommodation in New MooreIV.
Re-Education Opportunities in New MooreV.
Government & Law in New Moore What does my character see when he/she wakes up?
The room is in the hospital in case your character is coming to the island post-trauma or death. The setting is more like a birthing room than an ER unit- beautiful blue wallpaper and pictures of calm oceans. Hospital staff are standing around you to start the welcoming process as delicately as possible.
What is my character first told when they wake up?
Your character is given a fairly generic speech that follows the basic points;
- you were fictional
- now you're real
- we will assign you housing and get you in some rudimentary classes so you learn how to live in the real world
- stop punching the monitors please
There will be precautions in place in case your character loses their mind mid reality crisis. Also shoulders to cry on. Once they manage to regain composure, characters will undergo a psychological examination to determine whether or not they can be released without becoming a danger to themselves or other fictionals.
Any future meltdowns may be had at your leisure; outreach networks and support groups are in place to ensure healthy mental adjustment to the terms of reality - provided a crisis occurs between 5 and 9 pm. Otherwise you're on your own.
What possessions will my character bring?
Usually just things they had on their person when they were pulled into this reality, but feel free to add some things if you think it's necessary. ($$ from your world will not work on New Moore so having cash on your character won't make a difference.)
Is there any way to go home?
"There is currently no developed science to return you from where you came. The likelihood of such a development is highly unlikely, so please do your best to acclimate yourself to this reality as quickly as possible.
Obviously when you drop a character they will disappear from New Moore, which could give the appearance of 'going home'. Or moving on into the 'real world'!
Is this a conspiracy? Is my character really a "fictional"? Is this island really trying to help me?
Your character has to decide that!
back to topWhat is New Moore island?
March 25, 2010 - Disputed island disappears into the sea
New Moore was an island between Bangladesh and India. After years of arguments to which country had claim on the island, the land mass simply finished. While the official explanation is global warming and rising sea levels, the island still exists somewhere.
How big is the island?
New Moore is a sizeable island - 650 sq km/400 sq mi - but much of the island is as of yet unexplored wilderness. The eponymous capital is huddled against a small portion of the northeastern coast, flanked on the western side by a mountainous spine that leads down the center of the island. Local rumor suggests one of those mountains is a now-dormant volcano.
South of the city, the (largely unpopulated) suburbs peter off into nature preserves and then into wild, untamed forest. The landscape is peppered with natural rock formations, caves, and waterfalls, with the odd ancient ruin for variety. No official expedition has ever been mounted to explore the wilderness.
How big is the city?
Not very. Fifteen thousand 'real' people, and around 40 sq km all told, not counting farmland, New Moore is tightly laid-out and easy to navigate. Streets run in cardinal directions with a simple series of open-air trolleys for public transportation. The apartments and the educational facilities (located right next to one-another) are situated on a hill at the very heart of the city, with the business, shopping, and entertainment districts fanning out towards the water.
Because so much of life on New Moore revolves around life in the living quarters and the availability of an education, most businesses and services are conveniently close at hand. From the coastline to the hilltop is about three kilometers, and from one edge of the city to the other is more than twelve.
What kinds of things are in the city?
The essentials! Apartments, fast food, clothing stores (with limited, shoddy designs- but cheap!), police station, hospital. There are no mosques, churches or synagogues.
For more specifics or to register a new place of interest, check out the LOCATIONS post.
What is the climate like?
Temperate. Not the tropics, but not the arctic either. Springs are considerably damp and rainy, summers are hot and humid, autumn is prone to storms, and the winters are seasonably mild. Very rarely does the temperature ever drop near zero - and when it does, you can bet there's probably something up with the island. Again.
back to topWho gets housing?
Everyone. When you character is accepted, you need to reply to the ROOMMATES post to receive your housing and roommate assignment.
Can I request to live with someone?
Only if the characters are married/engaged/related to one another. Children and guardians are also acceptable pairs (Ciel and Sebastian, Larsa and Basch).
Who CANNOT be your roommate?
Canonmates, members of the opposite sex (unless married/engaged/related to you), another child (if you are a minor). "It is in a fictional's best interest to cultivate bonds with those from different non-realities."
Is the housing like a dorm?
No, they are two bedroom apartments. Housing is given to each resident by the state, free of charge- the only stipulation being single people will be grouped with a roommate. There are no floor advisers, no rules outside of living in a normal flat. Your characters will pay no rent and will not have to deal with landlords.
Can my character get kicked out of state housing?
Yes, but only to another state-mandated complex. Troublemakers will be moved to a different building if complaints persist. Big enough troublemakers will be sent to jail. You character will not end up on the street unless they actually pick up and move there.
Can my character switch roommates?
Yes, but the process is time-consuming, and unless you are married/engaged/related to someone, you don't get to pick your new roomie.
back to topWho has to go to school?
Anyone under the age of 18. New Moore provides mandatory schooling for K-12.
What if the kid doesn't go to school?
School is mandatory, but at this time there is no system to force children to attend. "Maintaining good grades will prepare young fictionals for real world experiences and can help expedite the relocation process."
No, but that's a good idea!
Post-Secondary schooling?
New Moore Community College.
back to topWhat's illegal on the island?
The old standards- no stealing, destroying, hurting or killing. If you have a question about a specific law, ask a mod. But try and assume if the police would make a fuss about it in your home country, it's bad in New Moore too.
What happens if my character is arrested?
They will go to jail for a length of time decided between mods and players.
Can my character post in jail?
No, it's jail. So you don't want to go there!
I would like to have my character constantly evade authorities.
(coughhighlyinformed cough) We can work that out too.
back to top Please email thoughtformedmods[@]gmail with any additional questions.