I originally signed up to this
BigBang for several reasons: the hopes of kick starting my writing once again, attempting a ‘crime drama’ genre (yeah… apparently I’m more of a ‘crime superpower drama’ type of gal), and because, let’s face it, the characters are great! I figured 30,000 words should cover it, I’ll be done in no time, piece of cake.
I have a new respect for everyone who has ever posted a fic of any length on livejournal. Seriously. I'm not sure how soon I will be willing to do this again ;) But it was WORTH IT IN THE END :)
I would love to thank the following individuals for their part in making this happen:
First I would like to thank the Mods, without whom this whole shebang would never have taken place! You did a fantastic job!
My artists
Evening Spirit and
Anuminis whose beautiful pieces of art made me equal parts giddy and inspired to keep going until I finished. I couldn’t have asked for two better people to work with and you should all go and look at their art right now!!!
My wonderful BETA
Laryn! She took this story on without having seen a single episode of H5O!! I can’t express how much I appreciate the time and effort she gave (for a fandom she doesn’t follow…yet) in order for us all to enjoy a few less run-on sentences :D
To Jess, who speed read this sucker while waiting for her sister to pop out a baby boy! Her comments, criticisms and willingness to let me talk through my ideas helped more than she can probably imagine.
And finally to Kelly, who knows this entire fic back to front even though she has yet to read a single paragraph. Aside from having to listen to me fret about it all the time she helped with the research and gave me new ideas of how to get out of the holes I dug myself into. Also she had to deal with the final editing stage where I allegedly (I'm not admitting to anything people!) broke out into song using the story paragraphs for the lyrics. She is sort of Saintly right now :)
You are all terrific wonderful people! And now we can all relax as its finally over ;)