Below are the prompts. Please submit your drabble as a reply to this entry. If you are new to the community or are just needing a refresher on how to post/respond to drabbles, please visit
this post first. And remember - HAVE FUN!
Bianca/Liz - "Don't hit me."
Bianca/Phoebe - alcohol
Conan/Dennis - exclusive
Conan/Dennis - first meeting
Conan/Jack - "You've pushed me around for the last time."
Conan/Kenneth - real interview
Conan/Liz - cake
Conan/Liz - Chicago
Conan/Liz - collaboration
Conan/Liz - five times they were mistaken for a gay couple
Conan/Liz - food on a stick
Conan/Liz - for the last time
Conan/Liz - "Is that true?"
Conan/Liz - Tonight Show
Conan/Liz - underwear
Conan/Tracy - farewell
Cooter/Jack - about the other day...
Cooter/Jack - approval
Cooter/Jack - best friends tell each other everything
Cooter/Liz - "Jack's told me a lot about you."
Dennis/Jack - "Oh. It's you."
Dennis/Jenna - not cool
Dennis/Liz - dummy
Dennis/Liz - you're with him?
Devon/Jack - face-off
Devon/Jack - practicology
Devon/Jack - squash
Devon/Kathy Geiss - wedding dress
Devon/Kenneth - new page uniforms
Devon/Kenneth - success
Devon/Kenneth - "That's right."
Floyd/Jack - awkward
Floyd/Jack - "I think she's in love with you."
Floyd/Jack - Liz's apartment
Floyd/Jack - marrying Liz
Floyd/Jack - Michael Clayton
Floyd/Jack/Liz - elevator
Floyd/Liz - first time for everything
Floyd/Liz - phone calls
Floyd/Liz - Simpsons reruns
Frank/Jamie - gifts
Frank/Jenna - crazy rumors
Frank/Jenna - truth
Grizz/Dot Com - gossip
Grizz/Dot Com - how to handle Tracy Jordan
Grizz/Dot Com - Liz Lemon
Grizz/Dot Com - other entourage offers
Jack/C.C. - birthday
Jack/C.C. - Christmas in Vermont
Jack/C.C. - inauguration
Jack/C.C. - proposal
Jack/C.C. - vacation
Jack/C.C. - voicemail
Jack/Claire - about that
Jack/Claire - avoidance
Jack/Claire - hats
Jack/Claire - risky
Jack/Claire - threesome
Jack/Devon - return
Jack/Gavin - fistfight
Jack/Jenna - acting school
Jack/Jenna - advantages
Jack/Jenna - Backdoor bragging lessons
Jack/Jenna - mistletoe
Jack/Jenna- Mr. Darcy
Jack/Jenna - a reason to high-five again
Jack/Jenna - surprises
Jack/Jenna - what an odd affair
Jack/Jonathan - Welcome back
Jack/Kenneth - cousin Jesse
Jack/Kenneth - paternal
Jack/Kenneth - religion
Jack/Kenneth - respect
Jack/Pete - victory
Jack/Tracy - "Don't do that."
Jack/Tracy - mixtape
Jack/Tracy - strip club
Jenna/Cerie - jealousy
Jenna/Claire - distraction
Jenna/Claire/Liz - long night
Jenna/Claire/Liz - night clubs
Jenna/Claire/Liz - "This will be fun!"
Jenna/Frank - sex and hats
Jenna/Gretchen - worth a shot
Jenna/Liz - 'O' Magazine
Jenna/Liz - who would you do?
Jenna/Pete - replacement
Kenneth/Cerie - accidents happen
Kenneth/Cerie - Rockefeller Christmas tree
Kenneth/Jenna - accidental kiss
Kenneth/Jenna - AC\DC
Kenneth/Jenna - Christmas carols
Kenneth/Jenna - gentleman
Kenneth/Jenna - innocent
Kenneth/Jenna - learning curve
Kenneth/Jenna - like on the farm
Kenneth/Jenna - pen pals
Kenneth/Jenna - shotgun wedding
Liz/C.C. - surprise
Liz/C.C. - "Well, this is awkward."
Liz/C.C. - what are the chances?
Liz/Claire - Chicago
Liz/Claire - Jack
Liz/Claire - misdirection
Liz/Colleen - approval
Liz/Colleen - "I know what you're thinking."
Liz/Devon - irony
Liz/Devon - ways he's different from Jack
Liz/Floyd - Cleveland
Liz/Floyd - key
Liz/Floyd - meeting the parents
Liz/Floyd - Michael Clayton
Liz/Floyd - mistake
Liz/Floyd - proposal
Liz/Floyd - regret
Liz/Gavin - dry elbows
Liz/Gavin - visiting hours
Liz/Gretchen - trouble
Liz/Gretchen - try this again
Liz/Gretchen - U-Haul
Liz/Jenna - encouragement
Liz/Jenna - kids
Liz/Jenna - wine
Liz/Josh - the Daily Show
Liz/Kenneth - Harry Potter
Liz/Kenneth - so weird
Liz/Pete - improv
Liz/Pete - "You can't."
Toofer/Cerie - candy canes
Toofer/Frank - Cajun style
Toofer/Frank - "Don't say it."
Toofer/Jenna - using her sexuality
Toofer/Liz - Harvard
Toofer/Liz - "Stop being such a nerd, nerd."
Tracy/Jenna - frenemies
Tracy/Jenna - work out their differences
Tracy/Jenna - Oprah
Tracy/Kenneth - collaboration
Tracy/Kenneth - daytime television
Tracy/Kenneth - executive producer
Tracy/Kenneth - impressive
Tracy/Kenneth - partner-in-crime
Tracy/Kenneth - periodic table of elements
Tracy/sons - neglected
Drabble your hearts out, people!