Below are the prompts. Please submit your drabble as a reply to this entry. If you are new to the community or are just needing a refresher on how to post/respond to drabbles, please visit
this post first. And remember - HAVE FUN!
Jack/Liz - 12 years in
Jack/Liz - a wind machine and a red dress
Jack/Liz - "About last night..."
Jack/Liz - after all
Jack/Liz - age difference
Jack/Liz - airplane
Jack/Liz - alcohol and Sharpies
Jack/Liz - all I want for christmas is you
Jack/Liz - allergies
Jack/Liz - and then you have to have a bunch of sex
Jack/Liz - angry sex
Jack/Liz - another Lemon/Donaghy holiday
Jack/Liz - apologies
Jack/Liz - Apple Inc.
Jack/Liz - apple pie
Jack/Liz - art collecting and yelling
Jack/Liz - as crazy as Claire
Jack/Liz - as you wish
Jack/Liz - at last
Jack/Liz - Ayn Rand
Jack/Liz - baby, it's cold outside
Jack/Liz - bachelorette party
Jack/Liz - balcony
Jack/Liz - ball drop in Time's Square
Jack/Liz - bandage
Jack/Liz - bathrobe
Jack/Liz - being arrested
Jack/Liz - between the lines
Jack/Liz - birthday presents
Jack/Liz - black dress
Jack/Liz - Black Friday
Jack/Liz - black push-up bra
Jack/Liz - blind date
Jack/Liz - boots
Jack/Liz - booty call
Jack/Liz - breakfast
Jack/Liz - bringing sexy back
Jack/Liz - broken glasses
Jack/Liz - budget cuts
Jack/Liz - button classic
Jack/Liz - candlelight
Jack/Liz - car ride to Connecticut
Jack/Liz - celebration
Jack/Liz - celebrity gossip websites
Jack/Liz - Chinese take out
Jack/Liz - Christmas
Jack/Liz - Christmas present
Jack/Liz - Christmas with Colleen
Jack/Liz - Claire's hats
Jack/Liz - Class A Moron
Jack/Liz - clown college
Jack/Liz - come right back to you
Jack/Liz - corporate ladder
Jack/Liz - curious
Jack/Liz - daydreams
Jack/Liz - defending your honor
Jack/Liz - devilish
Jack/Liz - dictation
Jack/Liz - Dirty Dancing
Jack/Liz - "Do refrain from vomiting on the carpet. It's new."
Jack/Liz - dogs
Jack/Liz - Donaghy Estates
Jack/Liz - "Don't."
Jack/Liz - drinking contest
Jack/Liz - drunk dialing
Jack/Liz - drunken marriage
Jack/Liz - eccentric people
Jack/Liz - elevator black-out
Jack/Liz - embarrassing childhood photos
Jack/Liz - even Kenneth sees it
Jack/Liz - ever ever after
Jack/Liz - exercise
Jack/Liz - fake phone call
Jack/Liz - fanfiction
Jack/Liz - fat
Jack/Liz - festive
Jack/Liz - fetish
Jack/Liz - first Christmas as a couple
Jack/Liz - first real kiss
Jack/Liz - fist names
Jack/Liz - flannel pajamas
Jack/Liz - Floyd still has a key
Jack/Liz - food baby
Jack/Liz - French lessons
Jack/Liz - French-speaking Liz
Jack/Liz - Friends re-runs
Jack/Liz - funny business
Jack/Liz - gifts
Jack/Liz - global financial crisis
Jack/Liz - golfing
Jack/Liz - goofing on TV shows
Jack/Liz - government bailouts
Jack/Liz - Han Solo
Jack/Liz - handcuffs
Jack/Liz - heartbeats
Jack/Liz - her scent
Jack/Liz - Heroes
Jack/Liz - hickey
Jack/Liz - high heels
Jack/Liz - high stakes
Jack/Liz - highly unusual
Jack/Liz - historical fiction
Jack/Liz - home
Jack/Liz - Homer Simpson
Jack/Liz - hot tub
Jack/Liz - "How did you know that?"
Jack/Liz - hypothetical situation
Jack/Liz - I Get a Kick Out of You
Jack/Liz - I got your back
Jack/Liz - "I love you. Don't make me say it twice."
Jack/Liz - "I wanna have your baby."
Jack/Liz - "I want you."
Jack/Liz - ice
Jack/Liz - ice skating
Jack/Liz - inauguration
Jack/Liz - intergestion
Jack/Liz - "I'm pregnant."
Jack/Liz - "I'm sorry, I didn't get to hit Gavin."
Jack/Liz - iPhones
Jack/Liz - Isabella Rossalini
Jack/Liz - "It's almost better when everything goes horribly wrong"
Jack/Liz - It's Always Sunny in Philedelphia
Jack/Liz - "It's fun. Sexy fun. Like playing scrabble naked."
Jack/Liz - Jackattack
Jack/Liz - Jack Attack: The Art of Aggression in Business
Jack/Liz - Jack's "gift"
Jack/Liz - Japanese sex dolls* (*referenced in 3x04 "Gavin Volure." No offense intended.)
Jack/Liz - karaoke
Jack/Liz - lamp post
Jack/Liz - leftover turkey
Jack/Liz - legerdemain
Jack/Liz - Leiderhosen
Jack/Liz - Lemon family cruise
Jack/Liz - "Lemon, I could make you happy."
Jack/Liz - "Let's do it."
Jack/Liz - letting go
Jack/Liz - lies
Jack/Liz - like Han Solo in a bad way
Jack/Liz - limited French
Jack/Liz - limo
Jack/Liz - lines crossed
Jack/Liz - lingerie
Jack/Liz - "Look, Mr. Donaghy! It's a Christmas miracle!"
Jack/Liz - love letters - in their own way
Jack/Liz - Ludachristmas
Jack/Liz - Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade
Jack/Liz - Mad Libs
Jack/Liz - make each other smile
Jack/Liz - make up sex
Jack/Liz - male jealousy
Jack/Liz - Marry, Boff, Kill
Jack/Liz - matchmaking writers
Jack/Liz - megalomania
Jack/Liz - middle names
Jack/Liz - mini skirt
Jack/Liz - misgivings
Jack/Liz - mistletoe kiss
Jack/Liz - muffins
Jack/Liz - Murphy's Law
Jack/Liz - naked and unashamed
Jack/Liz - New Year's Eve
Jack/Liz - nightmares
Jack/Liz - not gonna write you a love song
Jack/Liz - not too late
Jack/Liz - on your doorstep
Jack/Liz - One Lump or Two?
Jack/Liz - one step at a time
Jack/Liz - orange
Jack/Liz - out of left field
Jack/Liz - overcoming obstacles
Jack/Liz - painting a portrait
Jack/Liz - palindromes
Jack/Liz -
PaperweightJack/Liz - Paris
Jack/Liz - phone call
Jack/Liz - poker face
Jack/Liz - portmanteaus
Jack/Liz - power couple
Jack/Liz - Prescribed by Dr. Leo Spaceman
Jack/Liz - private villa
Jack/Liz - proclamations
Jack/Liz - proposal
Jack/Liz - public transit
Jack/Liz - purple pants
Jack/Liz - push and pull
Jack/Liz - reality television
Jack/Liz - realization
Jack/Liz - remakes of British TV
Jack/Liz - robbery
Jack/Liz - root beer floats
Jack/Liz - Sabor de Soledad
Jack/Liz - Sarah Palin's post-turkey pardon interview
Jack/Liz - scars
Jack/Liz - second chances
Jack/Liz - secret crush
Jack/Liz - Secret Santa
Jack/Liz - secret vacation
Jack/Liz - sexually frustrated know-it-all
Jack/Liz - She's my Cherry Pie
Jack/Liz - 'shut up Frank!'
Jack/Liz - 'smoldering, seductive look on her eyes'
Jack/Liz - soaps
Jack/Liz - southpaw envy
Jack/Liz - "Stay."
Jack/Liz - Stephen Colbert
Jack/Liz - still
Jack/Liz - stress eating
Jack/Liz - strip poker
Jack/Liz - sufficiently rattled
Jack/Liz - sweater capes
Jack/Liz - sweatpants
Jack/Liz - swings
Jack/Liz - taking the plunge
Jack/Liz - techno music
Jack/Liz - Telluride, Colorado
Jack/Liz - that gold chain around her neck
Jack/Liz - "That's crazy talk."
Jack/Liz - "That's not what I meant"
Jack/Liz - That's the Liz face I'm comfortable with
Jack/Liz - "That's what she said."
Jack/Liz - The Adirondacks
Jack/Liz - the big bang
Jack/Liz - The Commitee to Re-Invade Vietnam
Jack/Liz - The Donahee's
Jack/Liz - the importance of pens
Jack/Liz - The Jacker
Jack/Liz - the moment you said yes
Jack/Liz - the new Luke & Laura, according to Kathy Geiss
Jack/Liz - the truth within the lie
Jack/Liz - The Twilight movie/book series
Jack/Liz - the wilderness
Jack/Liz - third time's a charm
Jack/Liz - threesome
Jack/Liz - too much Pinot Grigio
Jack/Liz - Top Chef
Jack/Liz - Tracy's porno videogame
Jack/Liz - Tracy's vow renewals
Jack/Liz - triangle graphs
Jack/Liz - tuck hair behind ear
Jack/Liz - umbrella
Jack/Liz - Vegas
Jack/Liz - Wagner
Jack/Liz - ways and means
Jack/Liz - we missed out on each other
Jack/Liz - wearing his shirt
Jack/Liz - we're both writers
Jack/Liz - "What a fun sexy time for you"
Jack/Liz - "What the what?"
Jack/Liz - "When I die, of course, all of this will be left to you."
Jack/Liz - what are the odds?
Jack/Liz - When Harry Met Sally
Jack/Liz - when we knew each other
Jack/Liz - wild, wild, wild
Jack/Liz - Vanity Fair photoshoot
Jack/Liz - visit from Colleen
Jack/Liz - yachting
Jack/Liz - YouTube
Jack/Liz - You Shook me All Night Long
Jack/Liz - 'you stole my pen'
Jack/Liz - your hand in mine
Drabble your hearts out, people!