Title: Another Day
Fandom: Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Author: vio55
Characters: Link, Ike
Prompt: Questions table, Prompt #8 Why does the sun rise in the east?
Word Count: 150
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Minor character spoilers.
Summary: A simple question results in a personal answer.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Another Day
"Do you know why the sun rises in the east, Link?" Ike asks, looking up at the sky.
Link frowns and looks at him, puzzled. "I didn't know it rose in the east." He pauses for a moment, wondering whether or not he should continue. Ike was a swordsman, just as he was, so maybe, just maybe, he could understand. "I hardly ever noticed the sun rising at all during my travels. I would always be training, exploring the dungeons and temples, doing something--and there simply wasn't time for me to notice that."
"Even if you did notice the sun rising, would it matter at all?"
Link hesitates for a few moments before answering. "No. It would be a reminder that another day is beginning, another day where I could lose my life and fail everyone."
Ike turns away from the sky to look at Link sympathetically. "I thought so."