Jan 01, 2009 08:41
Happy New Year everyone!
Thrae's resolution:
Finish two WiPs by the end of January. Specifically, my gen outsider perspective fic and my absolutely-no-redeeming-features S/D smut piece.
There. Now I'm accountable. Feel free to mock me incessantly if I don't come through. Also, feel free to make your own writing resolutions.
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Comments 7
Writing resolutions... hrm. Might have to think about that.
You might not need any writing resolutions. You're already pretty prolific, and you manage characterizations, depth and realism far beyond what most writers (definitely including myself here) are capable of. And that's just in your smut. ;) But, y'know, if you want to encourage yourself to write more, do feel free.
Actually, I can think of one resolution - and I might need some prodding to finish that Daniel/Sam/Jack fic. I'm having issues with the logistics of two OTPs in the same fandom. My inner Sam doesn't like sharing.
Hmm. Well, in this case I think the logistics of having two OTPs in the same fandom are easily solved. A nice stable threesome. The three pairings within all work well together, so putting them all together in one great big bed must work even better. Right? Right?
Of course, that clearly won't easily work in your current trilogy; you've got too much depth and angst going on (I wholeheatedly agree that you absolutely must finish it, BTW). But it's something to consider for future double OTP issues. ;)
Excellent with the accountability, though I didn't know I needed your permission to mock you incessantly.
Excellent with the accountability, Yep. Your turn.
though I didn't know I needed your permission to mock you incessantly. Well, other people are more polite than you are.
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