(no subject)

May 04, 2005 07:36

Phone returned. [/Halo Voice] Yep. Thats right, my phones back. After spending a couple days outside (one in the rain) I was on my way to school, dropped by the church, and whatta ya know? Lying in plain sight. Picked it up, opened it up, dried it off, and turned it on. Still works too.

Damn, aint that funny though.

Right now I'm not going to another day of school. Dunno why. I just can't bring myself to get going some days. I know I should, I'm just... burned out? Its silly but this is really my thirteenth year of school (thirteen because I received no credit for my Sophomore year when I was homeschooled) and I'm tired of it. I hate waking up this early. Thats really all it is.

Of course there is a plus side to this. This means I have a full day to get caught up on my work, I'm also fully rested for the first time in a long time, AND my body clock schedule is where it needs to be as well.

My mom's gonna be pissed though. But I'll live through that. She should be happy I'm at least attempting to keep up with my homework - this is the first time I've ever tried.

Anyways. Sifu! You should see my room now. I was hyper on monday night so I rearranged my entire room. Its even better suited for gaming now than before! AND its also much harder for someone to use my PC comfortably while others play XBox because I've stuck my stereo speakers on my desk in addition to hooking my PC up to the stereo by default. And everything is within arm's reach!

Its beautiful.

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