Happy Birthday, Elyssa!

May 09, 2008 17:56

In celebration of anythingbutgrey's birthday I have made a Doctor Who S3 Martha Jones picspam =D.

heheee this is one of my favorite Martha moments, the laughing and clapping in 3x03 "Gridlock". ♥

I think this is my personal favorite screencap of her =).

Do other people like this episode or not (3x07 "42")? I kind of love it because it has William Ash (Riley) and all that crazy lighting.

I kindasorta ship them =]. Maybe because I kindasorta have a crush on Willaim Ash.

HAHA sorry, I had to include those XD! Not because I'm mocking, I love me some Martha Jones, I just find them/that scene so funny.

The S3 finale was kind of the best thing ever, especially in regards to our Martha.

YAAAY!! I cannot express how happy I am that they are canon! (Though, I find it hilarious that he was engaged to Billie Piper's character in Shakespeare Re-Told: Much Ado About Nothing XD.) I also kindasorta have a crush on Tom Ellis =].

I can't even take how awesome you are, Martha.


Tennant looks like a vampire here. y/n?


tv: doctor who, picspam, birthdays, friends: elyssa

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