Bête Noire - Chapter One

Feb 16, 2010 19:23

Title: Bête Noire (1/?)
Summary: The lives of two geniuses, overlapping and falling apart.
Rating/Warnings: God awful science?
Fandom: Dollhouse/Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Characters: Topher Brink and Billy
Spoilers: Nothing really. Not in this portion.
Author's Note: Alright, here's chapter one. I've finally posted it. I warn you, I've ( Read more... )

fanfiction: dollhouse, fanfiction: doctor horrible

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Comments 14

normannorman February 20 2010, 19:37:01 UTC
I liked that you named him Billy Buddy. Nice touch.


three_penny February 22 2010, 03:27:36 UTC
I figured if he really wanted to create this alternate persona for himself, with something he sees as badass like "Dr. Horrible", he must have had a somewhat embarrassing name to begin with, thus "Billy Buddy" Plus, it was kind of used in cannon...kind of. I don't think it's really his last name, but for my purposes, it works =D

I'm glad you liked it.


safenthecity March 11 2010, 03:25:43 UTC
LOL. Billy and Topher as BFFs are brilliance! Expecially them messing with the theater majors. As a theater tech major, this cracked me up. I'm so excited to see what shenannigans these two crazy kids get up to!


three_penny March 11 2010, 18:05:23 UTC
Oh my God! I'm so glad you liked this!

Dude, I was supposed to go in a completely different direction with this, like, they weren't even really supposed to know each other when I originally started planning this, and then I wrote the prologue, and suddenly I was like "Oh my God, these two are awesome together!" or at least "Oh my God, these two are really fun to write together!" and the result was this. They're so interesting because they're so similar, but in totally different ways. I'm loving their contrast.

I'm also a theater major! But with performance and writing concentrations. I had to slip at least one theater related joke into this somewhere...

But seriously, thank you so much. I'm really glad you liked this =D


randomtrickpony August 3 2010, 12:19:22 UTC
This is still all kinds of cool. It was Topher being Topher and Billy being Billy and it just made sense that they would meet in a boring intro. class (something both are too brilliant to be concerned with).

I find it funny that you were planning on them not meeting like this, because they both play off each other in such an an amusing and interesting way. I guess they just sorta decided to take matters into their own hands! (Well, characters are allowed to run off every once in a while, right?)

I'm looking forward to reading more!


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