Title: Bête Noire (3/?)
Summary: The lives of two geniuses, overlapping and falling apart.
Rating/Warnings: The piano. Enough said.
Fandom: Dollhouse/Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
Characters: Topher Brink and Billy
Spoilers: Not really. Well...kind of. But not really.
Author's Note: This chapter's kind of short. I apologize for it's shortness.
Of robbery and pianos. )
Comments 3
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But, thank you! I'm glad you liked it, I needed another scene of the two of them between undergrad and when Topher started at the Dollhouse, so I wrote this. Plus, I knew I wanted to tie music into Billy's story somehow to hearken back to the blog. I think this is the slashiest chapter I've written so far...
I just really LOVE this fic. It's so intricate and nuanced and wonderful. Really great job.
Dialogue is always my favorite part of writing. I have very snarky friends, so a lot of Billy and Topher's interactions are based on them as well as on the characters themselves. I'm glad I got it right! Also, I wanted Billy to be musical in some way, in homage to the blog, and NPH is a fantastic, legitimate tenor, so...I wrote this.
I'm so glad you like this. You have no idea how much your comments mean to me. Thank you so much.
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