[The voice that comes through is not Link's, despite the entry having his ID number attached to it. It's deep and a little gravelly, with a slight accent.]
Everyone, this is Link. Erol is in the infirmary. I'm going to be waiting there until he's recovered.
[His voice is a little strained, like his emotions are high as he's explaining this.]Don't
Read more... )
... Rocks?
And he looks a little grumpy. He's got both of his hands resting on his big goron belly.]
I'm hungry.
... For rocks.
[It's a good thing Link can see him from the floor, because Erol's movement is limited. Not much he can do with damaged chest and stomach muscles. He'll be on his back for a good while.]
[He sighs and rubs his growling tummy.]
I'm not going back to normal as long as I'm here. And besides, if someone just brings me a bunch now, I'll be set... rocks don't spoil like Hylian food.
[Glances back at him. Darmani can't believe he's doing this and it's made him a little bit on edge.]
...You should eat again, too.
You're not my mother.
[It's a ridiculously childish comeback, but give him a break, he's on drugs okay. Besides... with his chest muscles ripped up, he can't so much as hold a spoon. Letting Christine feed him was one thing. Link? Not a chance in hell.]
How did you wind up in a different body, anyhow.
[He scratches at his bristly white hair and stares at the hospital bed across from them on the other side of the room.]
Something I got during my work before I came here. It's a long story.
[Although he probably might as well explain since there's nothing else to do here but... talk to him, unfortunately.]
[Erol simply does not understand Link's need to guard him. The closest thing he can imagine is that Link's trying to put him in his debt; therefore, Erol stubbornly refuses to be thankful.]
Going to be here a long while.
[The ceiling is mind-numbingly boring, even on sedatives, so he turns back to look at goron Link.]
Fine. Trade. You tell me, and I'll answer a question of yours, if I can. Yes?
[Not a true duty to him - duty to the other passengers, duty to find out more about this situation, duty to his own morals and role as the Hero. But he's not about to get into that with this man, so he quickly continues before Erol has a chance to mock him.]
...alright, fine.
[Leans back against the wall and closes his eyes, letting out another big sigh from his large lungs.]
Before I came here, I had just finished exterminating a very powerful and malicious... thing. Monster, I guess. Along the way I met a ghost named Darmani and he agreed to lend me his soul so that I could use his body during my efforts. That's the jist of it.
But the boy is on again before he can ask, and sedative clears the questions from his head in short order.
Ghosts and souls. Well, it makes about as much sense as anything ELSE around here.]
Well, that wasn't a very long story at all.
[Your turn if you want it, Link.]
[Link turns to set his solid black eyes on Erol. As a goron, his vision is a little murkier and the colors more dull, but he's sitting close enough to see him well enough. Oh, does he have questions.]
Why did you do that to Herz?
Ah, now that's a question, isn't it. Certainly not unexpected, and not the most imaginative, but the answer had enough material to keep him amused for a bit.
Erol smirks almost wistfully, drug-slowed eyes focusing on something else. Fond memories, clearly.]
Short version? He said the wrong thing at the wrong time.
Interested in the long version?
[Crosses his arms again, waits.]
I get... bored easily. It's been rather a long time since I did anything of the sort, yes? The Baron had arrived, but he had no orders, and so I did nothing.
Therefore I had an - itchy trigger finger. Short fuse, temper, whatever have you. Then there was that Mardamned baby nonsense.
[He glances aside at Link, lazy golden eyes acquiring a strange gleam under artificial light.]
When people talk about me snapping, they're not exaggerating, boy. I run quick and I run hot.
[This path of thought distracts him, and it takes a second to find the track he was on. Damn sedatives, where was he... ah yes.]
So there I am, all the energy in the world and no one to take it out on, and I hear him warning some girl off of even looking at me - and comparing me to Carnival, of all things. On an open channel, the same post where I'd been invited by my own lady friend to come visit ( ... )
You're a monster. I'd kill you in a second.
Yet here you are guarding me.
That cannot be good for your blood pressure.
[Link growls and keeps his eyes away from him, his disgust and hidden fear keeping him from meet his gaze. He can feel Darmani's repulsion mixing with his own, as well.]
I'm not just doing you a favor by doing this. I've dealt with something like this before. I'm not going to make the same mistake a second time.
[Link's vivid child's imagination is already forming pictures in his head of what the situation must have looked like. Herz...]
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