First the poem:
Iambic pentameter lends my words such poise.
Would that I could, in the course of my ev’ryday voice
Ring out each syllable clear and true and wise
With lilting, lulling tone, convincing eyes.
Sweeping, bold and taut as calligraphy,
My tonge would glide with temperance and-yes-love.
The great lost arts would flow from out of me,
As nat’ral and as many as rivers from the sea.
Fawned by green and blue, with purple flirting
-A tease: I’d always keep just out of reach-
A tantric balance on the point of hurting
My potential for those charming turns of speech
Born of awkward accident or
-still worse-
Each promise kept, of nothing more
could I taste the last or first.
Devil's Song, 3 March 2006
...then the photos. Some of these I posted "retroactively", found a couple from last year and I don't know why I never put them up.
I have taken a fancy to titling photographs after lines from poems... looks like I'll have to read more poems. :)