I love Yeats poems because of their sound, their simultaneous bitterness and sentimentality, and how easy they are to memorise. :) Last Wednesday night and during Thursday I found myself imagining alternate lines for
When You Are Old. You can choose at your peril which version you read first... I can't think of a way to decide! Except that his
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Comments 20
Write more. Please. XD
HAY WINNIMABOO, can I say that I back this up 99.5% (with a fervour that is rather un-innocuous)?!
In general, also to Evan/Su/Weija, my apologies for severe lack of content. Feeling very low-energy literarily, and up to my ears in metaphysics. In spirit I have not totally abandonded online journalling or commenting. Thanks for caring :)
Oh good! Because I spotted you through Weija's post (I'm sly, I know, what can I say?) and wondered at you being indeed, wait for it, alive!
HAHA. Enjoy your metaphysics and being "mind-f*cked", as Weija so eloquently puts it. :D
I suppose this rather pointless message was just to say that, It was nice to hear from you, even if only indirectly. You're like a melted snowflake--I don't see you, only the trail that you have left behind.
Also just got home from Weija & Karen's Sci-fi lecture and you were nowhere to be seen! Eluded again! So how alive are you? (Hopefully alive enough at least)
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