I'm not sure if I've ever read so many fics in a fandom so quickly. Therefore, I've never had a recs set like this. I've been agonizing over how to organize these, what to include, how to describe them. Finally, I've decided to do it by pairing, and vaguely by time. I admit to being a huge shipper in this fandom, but some of the best stuff has no ship. I leave the issues of spoilers up to y'all.
"Unspoken" by
lotus79 and it's companion pieces
Interlude and
"Trust and Betrayal" Strong R, in places, Nine/Rose. These are three short pieces, beautifully written, especially the first one. Quote: He creeps away again while you sleep, and you wonder how long this secret space can last.
"Human Expectations" and it's sequel
"Clean" by Darcie. NC-17, Nine/Rose. I nearly didn't rec this one, because there are some awkward moments that pulled me out of the story, but ultimately, it's so pornalicious that I can't resist. Sometimes you need really hot, graphic smut, and this fits the bill.
"Seduction" by
wendymr. R, Nine/Rose. This may be the most sensual fic I've ever read. It's a slow and subtle seduction, an involvement of all senses. When I tried to write sensory deprivation smut for yuletide, I wish I would have written something coming close to this. So, so good.
"Roundabout" by
casirafics, PG. Nine/Rose, UST. A look at the whole time span of S1 from the Doctor's point of view. Cunningly and wonderfully structured, achingly longing.
"The Way Through the Woods" by
doyle_sb4, PG. Nine/Jack/Rose. This is a lovely portrait of a beginning for these three. Simply lovely.
"Backrub" by NNWest, NC-17, Nine/Rose/Jack. HOT, hot porn. Do I really need to say anything more?
The -Ing Series by Gillian Taylor and WMR, NC-17, Nine/Jack/Rose. Mmm, OT3. A porny little series, with a sweet resolution.
Non-shippy Nine-era fics:
"Renascent" by
seti_drdPG, no pairing. (!) This is an incredible portrait of Jack, his time before meeting the Doctor and right after. Poor, broken Jack.
"Leave The Light On" by
cherryice, PG, Nine, Jack, Rose. This story is a gorgeous look at Jack. His childhood, his family, his interactions with the Doctor and Rose. It's wonderfully written and leaves such a strong impression. This is why we fic.
"The Terminus of Prayer" by
cadhla. PG. This is an amazing work of fanfiction, set during the episode "Parting of the Ways." It describes the thoughts of Rose, Jack and the Doctor during that episode, and it does it in such a way... Oh, just read it.
"Awkward" by entilzha. PG-13. 10th Doctor/Rose. A missing scene during The Impossible Planet. The Doctor tells Rose about the Time Vortex. Very sweet and romantic. I love missing scenes.
"10 Seconds in the Life of a Timelord" by
seti_drd PG, Ten/Rose. 10 drabbles from the Doctor's point of view. I hate the ending, but it's so well written that it made me rec it. It might have made me mad but it was damn good.
The Sense Series by Gillian Taylor. PG-13, 10th Doctor, Rose, Ace. This series is a whole lot of fun, of the Missing Adventures kind. The author has a wonderful voice for the 10th Doctor.
"Worlds in Conjunction" by Marylane. PG, Ten/Rose. I just reread this a second time. I've seen several people call this the best Doctor Who fic ever. I'm not exactly arguing. It's heartbreaking, beautiful, and skillfully done. Marylane has a talent for alternate timelines that resolve themselves back into the main canon, and this is one. What one extra day can mean.
"Visiting Alien" by entilzha. NC-17. Ten/Rose. Post-Doomsday and Rose and the Doctor meet again. The interplay between the two of them here is fantastic. This Rose is self-assured and smart, and she's got everything under control.
"Disintegration" by
wendymrNC-17, Rose/Nine, Rose/Ten. Fantastic. Seriously, seriously, good. Harsh and sweet and perfect. Oh, and AU mid-way through S2. (Seriously, DW fandom needs a way to distinguish between alternate universes that are canon-based and AUs that break from canon.)
"A Most Ingenious Pair of Docs" by kitsunealyc. NC-17, Nine/Rose/Ten. Which is just about the hottest pairing in existence. I know these recs are just getting pornier and pornier, but this one is a stand-out. There's a difference between porn and really, really well-done porn. This author knows exactly what she's doing and manages the appropriate amount of emotional content to seep into the OMGHAWTSEX.
"What the Doctor Forgot" by Camilla Sandman. NC-17, Nine/Rose/Ten. Because that pairing is rare enough and this fic has some beautiful moments.
"Moments of Revelation" by
handful_of_sky PG. Doctor Who/Firefly crossover, 9th Doctor and River. The TARDIS appears on Serenity directly after the Time War. River finds the Doctor, dying. This fic is PERFECT. I have no words to convey how beautiful and right and painful and bright and lovely this is. I was whimpering and gasping a few paragraphs in, and I nearly came to tears. READ THIS FIC. NOW. For the love of the 'verse.