[YnM] Advection (Adult; Tatsumi, Watari)

Aug 02, 2006 15:23

A lot of people are writing heatwave stories right now, but it's *freezing* where I am. Like 13.6 C!

Summary: Tatari blanket fic! (In which Watari forces unexpected adjustments in yet another of Tatsumi's plans.)
Warnings/kinks: Domesticity. Heat.
Rating: Mildly not-worksafe.
For: lynndyre, who came up with this idea a long time ago and also appreciates that it's *freezing*.


Watari had gone rigid when his back touched the sheets-- then he'd grabbed at the covers and Tatsumi in ways that had not figured in Tatsumi's plans at all, arranging as much of himself as possible between the two. Now, his breath blew damp heat into the hollow of Tatsumi's neck, his cold fingers twitching occasionally under Tatsumi's arms.

Tatsumi attempted to think warm thoughts.


"Oh," Watari says, sighing with surprise. He spreads out under the covers as though melting with the heat from the electric blanket, and Tatsumi spreads out over him.

It had been a very good investment.

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