Title: The Truth Lies Beneath
threnodyjonesCrossover: Lie to Me
Type: Gen
Word Count: 15240
Warnings/Spoilers: Supernatural missing year AU, set right after Swan Song, Lie to Me canon. Minor violence
Summary: Dean Winchester is one of the most notorious criminals that ever graced the FBI’s most wanted list. Now he’s back from the dead (again) and in custody, facing trial for his pretty exceptional list of crimes. It’s up to the experts of the prestigious Lightman Group to unravel the mystery and find out whether Dean is criminally insane or a stone-cold psychopath. Or something else entirely...
Artist’s Notes: So many thanks to Mangacat for 1) writing this story which is pretty much the definition of the-plot-I-can't-turn-away-from and 2) for being very patient with me when I suddenly realized I'd put our posting date down as the 18th, not the 16th, in my calendar. Oops!
Link to Story Master Post: