said i was a nerd but i ain't a punk

Jun 29, 2009 10:54

movies: I saw Moon this weekend and it was really charming and excellent.

television: I weirdly really loved the Virtuality orphaned pilot/movie thing, thus 110% ensuring that it will not get picked up.

Obviously it's problematic that the heterosexual couple was having hot sex and leaving g-string panties all over the greenhouse and the gay couple was being told by the reality tv producers that they needed to be more queeny and campy and trying to turn that into a meta-commentary doesn't make it okay, you fuck faces. But! I really loved the moment when the gay couple was in the confessional after the commander died because they had such genuine body language, which was almost more stomach-punching than sexing in the greenhouse would have been.

This is a little tangential, but it reminded me of Dan Savage's book about adopting his son -- he and his boyfriend decide to do an open adoption, and the process involves the birth mother getting a binder of profiles of prospective adoptive couples and the profile includes a picture. They're looking at one of the binders and they see that all the couples (who are all heterosexual) are draped all over each other in their pictures. They somehow know that they can't do that in their picture, so they end up taking a picture of themselves sitting side-by-side with their shoulders barely touching.

Anyway, I'm glad the cute little gay couple did not have to sit side-by-side in the confessional with their shoulders barely touching. And I think I would have really liked this show. Seriously, does anyone else ever wonder if there is a studio exec at Fox that has some secret life-long grudge against the science fiction genre so they order that the network buy up all sci-fi related pilots in order to then swoop in and cancel them? I'm starting to get that feeling.

music: Here are three songs that were my summer anthems in summers past, because apparently summer 2009 is never going to bust through this perpetual monsoon and make an appearance already:

Scissor Sisters // Laura
N.E.R.D. // Things Are Getting Better
Nelly // Work It (Back in Black remix)

nielsen family picnic, movies, songs

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