Title: The Super League Of Slightly Weird Teens (Part III)
Pairing: Klaine, (a little bit)Kurtofsky, (pre) Brittana, ArtiexBrittany, beard!Santofsky
Rating: R (violence, references to dub-con issues)
WordCount: ~4400
Genre: Fantasy!AU, Drama and the occassional crack!Sue
Warnings: References to Dub!Con issues from the previous installment The story loosely follows a canon format but it IS AU so be prepared for deviations.
Verse Summary: Kurt Hummel is not your average teenager. He's a super hero, what he hadn't known was that there are more like him.
Installment Summary: Blaine's patience leads to progress and Santana starts listening to that little organ in her chest she had forgotten about
alexxasickAuthor's Note: Inspired by
longas91's brilliant art
here and
here and also his brilliant ideas on who should have what power. He kind of created it really (in utter awe of him and his drawings). Also you should totally check out this
one. It's when Dave goes to Kurt's room as Blaine (It's a PG drawing so Work Safe!)
“¡Putísima la lame huevos!”
Everyone dropped what they were doing and rushed to Santana’s side, she was clutching her head and muttering in Spanish.
“You have some explaining to do Tweedle-Fake-Boobs.”
Santana threw a dirty glare at Sue as Rachel tried to apply antiseptic to the burn on her forehead.
“As soon as someone explains this!” She pointed at her forehead.
“You were about to kill Artie!” Kurt screeched, “I had to stop you!”
“I wouldn’t have harmed him! - very seriously.”
“You burned his house down and his head was on fire.”
“Hey! I put his head out right as you came at me!”
“He’s still in the hospital! Brittany is hysteric.”
Santana crossed her arms over her chest and lounged back on the bed with a pout. Rachel finished bandaging her forehead.
“That’s right Fire-Farter keep your hands there so I don’t feel those Airbags are up my face every second that I’m in the room.”
Santana growled, “Is there a point to this?”
“Yes there is. While I thought that the fact that I felt weird around you was because of those ginormous watermelons you carry around in your shirt it turns out you have superpowers and so as you might have noticed…” and Sue looked at Quinn who nodded and reached for the ice bag perched on Santana’s shoulder and refroze the melting ice and replaced it. Santana would have looked at her wide-eyed if the reapplied weight of the bag onto her bruises hadn’t made her wince.
“…everyone else here has superpowers too. So you are requested to join us.”
“I decline.” Santana quipped.
“The police would be more than glad to hear from the arsonist vandal.”
Sue cocked her head with a self-satisfied smirk, “Thought so. Welcome to the Unnam-
“The Super League of Slightly Weird Teens!”
Sue’s smirk only widened at the look of frustration on Quinn’s face after her outburst.
Kurt startled when Blaine walked into his room quietly.
Blaine’s eyes softened when he saw Kurt, “You were in? When you didn’t answer the knock I thought I’d leave you a note. You haven’t really spoken to me in a while.”
Kurt shifted slightly on the bed; back faintly arching towards the back wall and away from where Blaine was standing. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed.
“Are you okay?” Blaine slipped the note back into his pocket and strode towards Kurt. Kurt slid back on the bed just a little bit, the flinch of his body barely covered by the fact that he was looking at a poster stuck on his wall.
Blaine stopped in his tracks, “Kurt?”
“I’m fine.” Kurt’s voice was extremely steely and his words not at all reflected in his body language. He was impossibly stiff and poised as though ready to jump up and run away any second
The expression on Blaine’s face had gone extremely soft and he extended a hand looking nervous and expectant at Kurt, like he was coercing a scared animal from the corner of its cage.
Kurt quickly shook his head, as though the outstretched hands were a question, “No”
Blaine looked like he was slapped and stood there transfixed.
Kurt shivered. He felt inexplicably nervous around Blaine, like the memories and the dreams and all the hallucinations and the disbelief had somehow materialized into that one body.
His dark intense want for that body, to believe so firmly that he had been connected to it terrified him, like his sexuality had hit him in one big tidal wave and left only ruins in its wake.
He was tainted with the sin of a person who suddenly disappeared and had no idea how to atone.
The guilt and the punishment had crept into the crevices of his mind until he was imagining things, more things, everything. The walls of Dalton’s seemed to be coming in closer trapping him until he’d see yet another person giving him comfort and closeness and then disappear back into his subconscious.
His own self. His only comfort of all these years.
And suddenly he had a boyfriend, a group of superheroes who accepted and rejoiced him, a show choir group who appreciated his eccentricities (if not always accepted them) and welcomed him amidst them.
His life now had seemed to been lifted right out of one of his wildest fantasies.
And Kurt started to feel that that’s all it was.
Until he went to Sue’s house and there were so many people and they’ve been with him for almost a month and they don’t disappear and then rescuing Artie. For a moment Kurt had completely forgotten about his own worries, the thought that everything was a very real, cruel dream clawing at the back of his mind. But these morbid thoughts were so much more tolerable pushed to the very back of his mind rather than swim to the forefront like right now and cloud everything he could see or think.
“Kurt…” Blaine sounded so scared and broken, looking like he was literally holding himself back from swooping down on Kurt with a big bear hug and ‘everything will be alright’ although he didn’t know what had gone wrong.
Kurt stifled a sob and Blaine didn’t hold back anymore.
Kurt held him back like he needed Blaine to breath, his vice grip leaving bruises under the layers of clothing on Blaine’s shoulder, “You’re Blaine right? You’re here, right?” and he muffled his wails on Blaine’s shoulder as it finally burst from him:
“I think I’m going crazy.”
Blaine allowed Kurt’s sobs to pour out, tightening his hold as he shivered. Concentrating everything into calming Kurt down but every time he managed to attach onto a strand of Kurt’s scattered emotions everything would fall apart and he kept on tightening his hold until Kurt coughed and even though Blaine new he was making it hard for Kurt to breathe he couldn’t let go just now and watch everything disintegrate slowly until it eroded and scratched Kurt out from the inside.
Blaine knew that this was probably the last way Kurt deserved to be treated but he couldn’t do it any other way, he pushed Kurt off him and onto his back, shoving and pinning him down, struggling to control Kurt as he resisted but he managed to somehow lock Kurt’s head between his hands, boring into those glasz eyes now barely recognizable through the terror.
“Kurt!” And Kurt’s eyes relaxed slowly giving in to the hazel ones above him, “Everything is going to be okay.” Blaine felt himself losing breath and he struggled to keep talking, “You’re not going crazy.”
And with the last ounce of strength he had left, he had already started feeling his muscles give out from holding Kurt down roughly, he kissed Kurt, channeling all that he wanted to make Kurt understand and feel through the press of their lips and when Kurt suddenly surged up to hold him and kiss him back, Blaine lets go tired and relieved.
When Sue decides that the recently re-instated “Super League of Slightly Weird Teens (shortened to Super Weird Teens) pay their condolences (“he’s not dead!” Mike screamed angrily) to Artie since the reason he was in the hospital was due to one of their most recent teen, the whole lot put on their Sunday best (Santana is forced into hers) and crowd on over to the hospital he’s admitted in.
The nurse outside his room look at them skeptically and seem to be on the verge of saying something when Sue suddenly pushes forward to the front of the group and stares her down. She moves into the room across the hall to Artie’s.
Sue strides into Artie’s room like she owns the hospital (and that she actually cares about Artie)
There is a moment of awkwardness when they mill at the entrance and then Artie smiles at them and they rush forward calling out to him and telling him how terrible they fell and how glad they are that he’s okay. Mike gives him a bone-crushing hug and Artie coughs, Mike lets him go with a sheepish grin.
“I’ve seen worse.” Artie says trying to make it sound like it was nothing, “But I really thought I was a goner when that arsonist dragged me outside…she was crazy!” Santana shifts her eyes out the window and steps back from the crowd around the bed, “But the next thing I knew I was here with Brittany by my side…every situation and I mean every situation has a silver lining although she did think that chicken soup was made with chicken spit.”
And everyone around the bed laughs not noticing that Santana rages in the background while Sue doesn’t care. When Mike raises his eyebrows in a lewd way making a comment about Brittany making a good wife Santana knows she’s had enough and she storms out (unnoticed).
While she paces up and down the hall, muttering about the sickly sweet scene inside and how that wanted to make her puke she collides with a person and suddenly there is coffee all over her and Brittany holds her hand while apologizing.
When Santana realizes who it is, she stop planning a painful and undetectable fiery death for the one who dares to spoil her dress and just snatches her hand out of Brittany’s.
“Are you okay?”
And Santana hates how her heart melts at the puppy eyes, “I’m fine. You should go back to your husband.”
Santana hurries to the bathroom and splashes water on her dress and follows that with one to her face, taking a deep breath.
“I rejected him.” Brittany says quietly from the doorway and Santana’s hates the tendril of hope that rises at the fact that Brittany had followed.
She crosses her arms, “Who?”
“The cricket that reads to me at night. Turns out he wasn’t stealing, he was just trying to get a matching ring to propose… but I refused him.”
“I meant Artie.” Santana spat.
“Artie? But we’re not married? Do you think he’s going to ask me?”
Santana was about to say an indignant ‘no’ to that but decided against it, “Would you accept if he did?”
Brittany stares for a while, “I don’t know.”
“If you don’t know then go away.”
“You’re lonely without me.” Brittany doesn’t need to hold her hand to know this. She can feel how angry Santana is from across the room and also how that heat and rage masks something much more vulnerable.
Brittany takes her hand and suddenly Santana loses control and her hand lights up. Brittany pulls back; her palm scalded in places and she stares at Santana wordlessly.
And Santana freezes in that instant when she realizes that she just hurt Brittany. She takes Brittany’s hand and pulls it under the cold spray from the tap.
“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry I should have told you that I…I’m sorry.”
“That’s okay, Artie’s are much worse.” And it’s just like Brittany to not bring up how Santana just produced fire from her hands and burnt her. She pulls her hand from outside the spray and wipes her hand carefully.
“I know it’s unbelievable but I can create fire.”
Brittany smiles, “You can.” She’s so nonchalant about it that Santana doesn’t know if she’s talking metaphorically or of she’s actually noticed that Santana just burnt her from self produced fire and doesn’t care, “I’m sure it’s really cool when you’re not…you know burning people…but I’m sure marshmallows are really nice when you make them.”
“Marshmallows?” Santana laughs, “Yeah you’re right! I should try it; I actually found out recently I could do that. Before it was just I don’t know you could say I was always good friends with fire.”
Brittany nodded, “I should get back or else Artie will think I got lost in the hallways again.”
And Santana sees the calm and soft love in her face when she talks about him and she realizes that today wasn’t the only time that she had hurt Brittany.
Santana is suddenly overcome with guilt. She should be angry, rightfully. But she’d never want to hurt Brittany.
“I was the arsonist.” She admits quietly, thinking that maybe if Brittany hated her it would be atonement.
And Brittany looks at her from the door of the bathroom, she turns back and kisses Santana on the forehead.
“I kind of figured.”
Kurt is pleased to see Blaine waiting for him outside class. The unease always claws at the back of his mind but when he’s with Blaine and in fact even when he isn’t with him it stays at the back of his mind like a light buzz almost not even there but still so subtly so. He’s unable to truly think about the things that bother him and he doesn’t know if that’s a relief because he doesn’t think he’s insane anymore or a curse because the back of his head has this constant itch like he’s forgetting something.
Blaine waves at Thad and Nick as they come out from behind Kurt and hi-5 them as they make lewd faces at him.
Kurt rolls his eyes but really he feels happy and a little giddy as he walks up to Blaine and he tries to look haughty and annoyed but fails miserably as he puts his hands on his cocked hips and snaps, “What?”
Blaine looks at him mischievously as he takes Kurt’s hand wordlessly and steers him towards his room.
“My roommate has football practice till 7.” He says happily as he opens the door to his room and pulls Kurt in, a come hither look on his face.
Kurt gulps, as much as he finds Blaine so incredibly sexy, these sessions have never been very good for them.
Kurt still really couldn’t bring himself to be intimate with Blaine and he’d have flashes of dread when he’d remember that night and Jeff but he could calm his heart sooner or later. Kurt knew he wasn’t crazy. Well he was a crazy bitch at times but he wasn’t hallucinating crazy and it terrified Kurt when he doubted himself. He didn’t carry out Jeff’s advice mainly because he tried to forget about their conversation. He tried to pretend it didn’t happen because Jeff later told him it hadn’t, just like Blaine told him they hadn’t consummated.
It was just easier that way. Like something in his head telling him that it’s easier to just not think about it.
But Jeff’s words still rung loud and clear in his head like church bells, beckoning, compelling and terrifying.
break up with him
Just like the burn of Blaine’s cock in his ass and the musk of his sex was strong and undeniable in his memory.
“…I believe we’ve been going about this the wrong way.”
And Kurt is sure he’s missed some integral part of Blaine’s conversation because Blaine has half his shirt unbuttoned and is working on getting it off completely. The tie and blazer are on the floor. Somehow even as Blaine looks at him with a seductive smirk, his eyes look dull and a little tired.
“All this time, I’ve been trying to make you comfortable being vulnerable in front of me.”
Kurt’s heart beats incredibly fast and he wants to cry and tell him that he had been vulnerable to Blaine, had exposed himself completely and given himself up to him but Blaine doesn’t remember or Kurt is crazy.
And there, the flash of panic is gone again.
But Kurt still didn’t want to be vulnerable to Blaine even though he looks at his tired eyes and feels much better already. Almost as though when he’ll wake up the next morning, Blaine would forget and Kurt would again feel like he’d been ripped apart and his heart stepped on.
Blaine shrugs out of his shirt and pops open the button of his pants. Kurt’s mind struggles between the angst that Blaine causes him and the fact that he’s giving him a strip show; his cock twitches.
Kurt can guess what will win eventually as Blaine shimmies out of his pants.
“So today’s idea is…” Blaine pulls one foot free of his pants, “That Blaine is going to be vulnerable.” Then the other, he spreads his arms out, “Touch me, Kurt.”
And all of Kurt’s blood rushes to his cock as he hesitates for a bit and Blaine starts looking less confident. He surges forward and wraps his arms around Blaine’s neck and kisses him.
Blaine kisses back but doesn’t lead; his arms come rest on Kurt’s hips, just anchoring him to Kurt. Kurt presses open mouthed kisses to Blaine’s neck and jaw and kisses his lips long and deep and while Blaine usually tries to ease his tongue into Kurt’s mouth, this time he just kisses Kurt the way Kurt is kissing him. When Kurt pulls back, Blaine’s ears are edged with pink and his confident smirk is replaced with an uneasy grin.
“This vulnerability thing is a little unnerving.” Blaine admits in a small voice and Kurt rewards him with a kiss to the forehead. Kurt proceeds to strip as well and he manages to take off his blazer when Blaine stops him.
“The idea is that you know you’re in charge here.”
Kurt seems like he wants to insist taking his shirt off as well but Blaine kisses him silent. The last thing Blaine wants is for Kurt to feel pressurized into stripping. Blaine had hardly been able to unbutton even two of Kurt’s shirt buttons and he knows stripping down to his boxers isn’t going to suddenly mean Kurt by some miracle can also strip down to his boxers.
He takes Kurt’s hand and places them on his abdomen, guiding it up and down and Kurt looks mesmerized by the sprinkle of abs and Blaine lets go of Kurt’s hand, relieved when Kurt doesn’t stop caressing. He stares at his hand caressing Blaine’s stomach like he just successfully tamed a dangerous wild animal. In fact he seems to get a little bolder as he brushes the tip of his fingers against a nipple and Blaine bites back a moan. The embarrassment and pleasure was spreading a pink flush over his body. Kurt leaned down to kiss his collarbone, licking experimentally and Blaine groans. He does however gather the courage to lead Kurt back towards his bed and pull Kurt on top of him while lying on his back.
Kurt doesn’t seem to bother and keeps kissing him. When Blaine’s head rests against the pillows, Kurt kisses him deeply once before trailing small, butterfly kisses down the column of his neck and chest where he takes a hard nipple in his mouth and sucks experimentally, Blaine groans and Kurt’s hand brushes down his sides to the waistband of Blaine’s boxer and tugs.
Blaine’s hand comes to rest over Kurt’s “ You don’t have to.” He pants out as Kurt punishes Blaine’s interference with a hard lick to his nub and Blaine trembles and lets go.
“I want to.” Kurt says in a soft, sultry voice and Blaine looks at him, touches his cheek.
“You sure?”
Kurt slides up to level his face with Blaine’s and kisses his nose, “Yes.” But he does look a little nervous, as he looks down to the tent apparent in Blaine’s boxers. Kurt thinks how it was the same cock that was inside him and shakes the thought off with a shudder.
This was progress he couldn’t back off now.
He takes Blaine’s hand in his and led it to slide down Blaine’s chest and stomach and lower until it slips into the white and blue-checkered boxer. Blaine’s hand wraps over his cock and Kurt’s on top of Blaine’s hand.
Blaine sets a slow space sensing Kurt’s hesitation. He groans from the slide of Kurt’s smooth skin in between his coarser hand, Kurt thumbs his slit, spreading the precum that gathers there over the expanse of Blaine’s cock as he pumps and bites back another moan as Kurt licks at the sweat that pools at the base of Blaine’s throat.
It’s salty against his tongue and it’s a whole array of things that threatens to freak him out but then Blaine leans in to kiss him softly. Lips fitting around each other perfectly and Blaine groans and murmurs, “Don’t stop.” And so Kurt doesn’t, moving up to cup Blaine’s balls in his palms as Blaine still tugs on his own shaft. It’s at that moment that Blaine nips at his lips. It sends a thrill up Kurt’s spine and the back of his head buzzes but he’s not entirely sure how that is even relevant but knows it should be but then Blaine grabs his hand and leads it to wrap fully around his cock and he squeezes experimentally, a little hard.
Blaine comes, his wail muffled against Kurt’s jaw.
Kurt slips their hands out from his boxers as Blaine smiles lazily at him, “Success.”
And Kurt laughs again as he kisses Blaine’s cheek.
“Thank you for being patient with me.”
Blaine looks at Kurt sappily, “Thank you for being with me.”
Kurt blushes, feeling a warm sort of glow at the stickiness on his hands.
Santana is taking books out of her locker when she notices Karofsky stride past Sam staring at his ass as he’s bent over the water cooler.
Santana’s eyes narrow, she’s had a hunch that the whole deal between Kurt and Karofsky wasn’t a simple bully-bullied relationship. If Kurt were the kind to run scared then Puck would have managed to drive him away months ago. Santana is just surprised at herself for not realizing something sooner, Karofsky’s disappearance after Kurt’s transfer should rightfully have made her curious but she was too busy burning down houses and frustrated watch her love burn in the flames but not lessen, multiplying each time at an alarming rate. She shakes the thoughts out of her head now was the time for investigation. She’s had enough of self-pity the past few days, not to mention feeling like a loser with those superhero geeks.
Sam is also entirely too curious and a little needy. Santana suspects that he’s still not over little miss Ice Princess and it kind of makes her sick. She feels a little sick around Sam, only meeting him the barest minimum for a make-out session so that he’s satisfied. But then he’d insist on dinner and long talks about feelings and love and life and futures and (Santana shudders as she thinks about it) do lame movie expression while he’s doing all that. Santana thinks she can completely use this to her advantage and a little freedom to be herself.
“Well, well, well…the infamous homophobe Karofsky’s back and guess what? He’s gay. XOXO Gossip Girl.”
She takes immense pleasure in the way Karofsky turns with a terror struck expression. His recovery isn’t fast enough and now Santana is sure she is right even though Karofsky looks confident and (rightfully) offended, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I’m talking about you eyeing my boyfriend’s ass.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“You were eyeing him bent over the water cooler.”
Karofsky lets out a puff of breath, “Pssht…I was checking the label of his jeans.”
“Like that makes you any less gay.”
And Karofsky looks at anything but Santana as she advances, “Give it up Karofsky, I know you ran my boy Hummel out because you liked him.”
“That is NOT true!”
“And you’ve never had a girlfriend.”
“Shut up!” and he shakes with the effort it takes to restrain his fist.
“And you check out Sam’s ass when he’s all bent over, imagining him doing that for you.”
“Just shut the fuck up!”
“Just give it up!”
And Karofsky suddenly takes a deep breath backing to sit on one of the benches in front of the lockers.
“What do you want?”
“For you to be my boyfriend.”
Karofsky looks like Santana’s grown head, “Did you just hear yourself?”
Santana rolls her eyes, “It’s called beard, genius.” When Karofsky stares at her she continues like she’s speaking to a 12 year old, “You know when a lesbian and a gay dude pretend to date to cover for each other.”
“I know what beard is but that means you’re…?”
Santana rolls her eyes, “Look stop trying to label me but I’m tired of dating guys who just want to grope my twins. It’s not love and they’re too stupid to get love and before I start confusing myself, tell me, you in? It’ll cover the doubts about your sexuality.”
“No deal man. Even if you tell people they know you’re a vicious bitch and are probably trying to get back at me for rejecting you.”
Santana smirks, “And you’re a 100% sure of that?” She can already see Karofsky’s defenses crumble and there is just one more little thing.
Santana turns around and counts to three.
She turns around.
“What’s in it for you?”
Santana sighs, “I’m just tired.”
Blaine is glad when Kurt doesn’t shy away from the kiss he plants on his cheek right after the council calls the meeting to an end and everyone mills about grabbing their bags. Kurt actually smiles and curls their fingers together.
Blaine looks forward to walking hand in hand with Kurt down the hall. He always feels happy showing Kurt off. Because in a crowd he can always feel his connection with Kurt become stronger like Kurt pressing back against him in a room full of strangers. It relieves the constant strain on him.
“Blaine…” Wes calls from behind and Blaine stills, his hand going frigid in Kurt’s and Kurt looks at him as though he doesn’t understand what’s wrong. Blaine smiles at Kurt reassuringly.
“Go ahead, I’ll catch up with you later.” Kurt nods and heads for the door, leaving him alone with Wes.
“It’s taking you longer than I’d thought.”
“I told you I’m on it.”
“You do realize that he doesn’t have to give it to you willingly.”
Blaine starts to get irritated, “I can’t hypnotize him and you know it. It’s already hard enough as it is.”
Wes walks around Blaine to face him, “I can get someone else to do it.”
“I said. I’m on it.” Blaine’s voice goes steely. He’s not one to raise his voice but he knows how to get his point across.
“You have two days.” And Wes has dropped his patient voice as he gets down to business, “Or we use force.” And he struts off.
Blaine is suddenly very, very tired.
A/N: I know I take long to update and Chapter 4 will take even longer. PLease be patient <3