Title: Captivated
Pairing: JunMa, Tomapi, TomaxOC, possible Sakumiya and Ohmiya and more OCs or other Johnny's
Rating: NC-17 (overall rating since I won't be putting these up every update. Its a LONG drabble series)
Disclaimer: Don't own, anyone.
Note: Gift fic for my awesome betas for the
je_ficgames :
camaronzin and
0_konayuki_0. Sorry Cam I didn't tell you that Yuki helped me out. The changes you told me to make got deleted twice and I had almost gone crazy so Yuki helped out. Oh and Cam sorry you have ANOTHER Yakuza based fic but the plot is completely different. Thanks for help with the title Yuki.
“You’re free to go.”
The cell’s attendant told Jun after about a month that he was in here. It was pretty comfortable actually. Funnily enough he had more freedom in this little jail cell than he had back at headquarters. The place was surely restricting but his will wasn’t and he didn’t really want to do much more than read a few books and laze around watching tv.
He was led to the Chief’s office where the man put on a stern smile.
“I have to let you go now Matsumoto but you’ll be back here and next time I’ll get your cronies and bosses with you.”
Jun smiled at the handsome young officer, “Sure Sakurai, no problem. I might just come back.” And he winked leaving the man baffled in his wake.
Even though he kinds of hates it at headquarters because he had to take the Shachou’s orders and the shit that resulted from his carelessness he had to admit, it was good to be back. It was his turf where he was feared and respected.
This was where the shower rooms were lavish and relaxing. And he really needs a bath right now, a good warm bath before he has to face the Shachou and his most obvious idiocies.
Just as he reached the bathroom, the door swung open revealing a person he’s never seen before.
The intensity of his dark brown eyes had Jun captivated instantly. The shaggy brown hair dripped water onto muscular shoulders wrapped in a soft cotton towel. He stared at Jun as he pulled the towel almost seductively off to reveal sinewy arms and a toned torso.
Jun gulped as the man pulled on a tank top as sexily as though he was stripping it. And just like that he broke eye contact and sashayed off. To Jun it was like resurfacing from deep, dangerous water, he had stopped breathing in the last few moment but he couldn’t help his appreciative gaze from following the man’s tight ass as he strode off without a second glance.
Jun stood outside the door for a long while until a nasal sound brought him out of his reverie.
“Yamashita?” He called and a cheerful (by Yamashita’s standards) greeting came as a reply.
“Were you two showering together?”
He heard an infuriating giggle.
“We were together but we weren’t showering.” Another giggle.
Jun wished he’d never heard that and even more alarmingly he wished he was here before to maybe be in Yamashita’s place right now.
Who is that guy?