Title: Sometimes I Know What You Need And Sometimes You Need To Tell Me.
Pairing: Sakuraiba
Rating: G
Notes: Mostly monologue.
I am pretty sure I know most of what there is to know about Aiba Masaki. I know the name of the girl he lost his virginity to even if he probably doesn’t remember. I know where he keeps his porn collection including the code to the safe containing his most prized MILF Deluxe Edition which he keeps separately due to his paranoia of Ohno infiltrating his porn CDs. Nino’s constant ranting of how Aiba is responsible for Ohno’s lost innocence would probably make him a little sad and not to mention guilty.
He’d be too guilty in fact to counter with a ‘What innocence?’ Riida did pot and none of us did that… well Jun’s constant intake of sleeping pills and anti-depressants comes pretty close.
I know what makes him happy. In fact I find it easier to keep a list of things that don’t make him happy. Even Jun’s skull shaped bruises make him happy, to him they are marks of Jun’s intense trust and respect for him because there are a few in front of whom Jun would unleash his feelings so freely. Even mouldy bread makes him happy because there’s always someone out there who doesn’t even have that much.
I realized that because of him there are a lot more things in the world that make me happy too. Things are so fresh and beautiful in his perspective I follow him around to just bask in the glow of it that radiates in strong powerful lines.
Right now he’s stressed though. It happens even to Aiba Masaki. Sometimes things just don’t go like you’ve planned and he has all the right to frown just the rest of us after all.
Right now it’s because Nino is getting increasingly frustrated over having screwed up the same shot four times in a row. I plop down by reflex to lend him a comforting presence. Aiba likes physical comfort and the security that someone cares. For all the love he gives out it’s only fair that he wants a little in return. He leans in instinctively and the way he cuddles to my side makes me smile despite there nothing in the gesture other than a display of familiarity. I stroke his shoulders, pull him closer because he wants Nino to feel okay and I know that it’s the only way he’ll feel okay. But Nino rarely ever screws up shots this much and it’ll take several tequila shots and a smoke to get him to relax again. Aiba sulking doesn’t help but that’ll be impossible to explain to Aiba so I just hold him.
Honestly I think I love him, its not about sexuality, its about how he’s the most important person to me and I want to share all experiences that life has to offer with him.
Mostly its about how I love the me who is with him.
I over think things, make a huge fuss and go into debates about logic and realism. Whereas for Aiba though not living in a dream world, everything falls in place with simple thoughts and as naturally as though they’ve been thought through fifteen times over. He never cared that one of his Ailando experiments would seem too stupid or useless and whereas most of them were that way, he took it in his stride and made that the speciality of the whole segment.
I admire Aiba because I’m not like him so I try to observe and understand the way he does things. Sometimes I know how to keep up with his pace and others I don’t. But it’s okay because with Aiba everyday is like a new discovery.
“Thanks Sho-chan.” He whispers quietly, presses against my side further and intertwines our fingers together.
They look nice like that, better than they ever do individually.
Sometimes I feel Aiba loves me too and admires me for some reason as well. In the way he asks for my opinions, listens to the things I say I always feel myself worthy because I feel that he thinks I’m worthy.
That thought comforts me.