I realized my hols start on the 11th and so I'll have a good 12-13 days before christmas to write fics. Only I get really lazy during hols and want to write but have a hard time with plots.
So I'm following
ailette (Being completely honest about stealing this from you, bb)
I don't guarantee your prompt to be written but I want to write a good number of them so you can always hope XD
Okay a few guidelines as to how you can increase chances of your prompt being used:
1) If it's a pairing I write usually. (JunMa,Ohmiya, Sakuraiba,Nishikato, Tomanino)
2)Details. The more I know about what you want the easier it is for me.
Anyway! Those ARE NOT RULES. There are no rules. Prompt away. It's just a guideline to let you know that I'll tend to go for prompts along those lines.
I did do a prompt post before but only wrote one of them so people might be skeptic about me. But the thing is during my last prompt post in my other journal there were some umm...issues....let's leave it at that.
Note to
ailette: Your TomaNino isn't counted. Prompt something else. Infact multiple prompts are VERY welcome.
Note to
0_konayuki_0: this doesn't count in Operation Yuki (I'm trying to post you a fic soon)
Note to everyone: You'll get your fic on Christmas Day or probably not at all XD (Sorry :P)