Title: Maybe
Pairing: JunMa
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Toma had something to tell Jun but maybe its him who's in for a surprise.
“I can’t really help being in love with him.” Jun muses a while later over tea.
His boyfriend raises an eyebrow. He cheated on Jun with Yui and felt guilty. Confessed to get some semblance of his consciousness back into order.
And all Jun does is make tea, seat him down and tell him all too calmly that he’s in love with another man.
Toma loves Jun so it stings. Maybe it would sting more if the situation weren’t so surreal.
He sips his tea. The flavour of cinnamon gives it a sweet taste despite not having added any sugar.
Jun puts down his cup and sighs, “You lost interest because I did.”
Did he? Did he really lose interest?
“I’m sorry.”
Maybe. Maybe, he did.
“Are you leaving me…for him?”
Or maybe not.
“He doesn’t love me. Even back then we were just in it for the pleasure.” Jun says matter-of-factly.
Something in Toma is relieved, he doesn’t know why.
“Since when?” He asks. He needs to know when things changed.
Jun stops for a while and looks at the ceiling. He hums, ‘Always.’
Had things really changed? The way it was always so hard to break into Jun’s shell. Jun’s vulnerability was still just a theory to him.
It’s all still there. Jun’s just as hard to read as he’s always been.
Toma feels its best to be honest, “Just for once it’ll be nice if I could see how you’re with him.”
Jun closes his eyes and smiles. He reaches out for Toma blindly, ”Kiss me, Sho.”
Toma takes his hand and leans forwards to press their lips together.
Maybe, just maybe…its worth it.
A/N: Wishlist still open