Title: Zenbu ni Chikai (Close to Everything)
Summary: Shige doesn't want what Ryo wants but he misses him.
Note: Continuation to
0_konayuki_0's Nishikato
here Will make MUCH more sense if you read that first (and you SHOULD)
Shige was maybe a little more than a bit annoyed when he realized the changes in Ryo’s behavior. He tried really hard to ignore it but Ryo didn’t let him. He was glad that Ryo at least had the common sense to back off without idiotic demands.
But for the life of him he couldn’t understand why Ryo wanted what he did. They both failed miserably at all their past relationships and it wouldn’t be the first time Ryo had a sex friend. It was his but not Ryo’s. Ryo knew how to do this, Ryo knew how convenient it was, how they could avoid scandals through the sheer fact that there wasn’t any third party involved, then why would Ryo want to ruin this?
Maybe, just maybe Ryo had lodged a tiny little idea in Shige’s head.
It wasn’t intentional, he was just brooding in a corner beside a Koyama very sad at not being able to cheer him up when Yamapi burst into the room all changed to go home and pulled Ryo from his own very distanced chair, Ryo protested for a bit before giving in being dragged out by Yamapi and trying to hide an amused smile. It was just so cute that for a second the image of him instead of Yamapi flashed through his head.
Shige’s heart sank. He tried to tune off the playful banter leaking into the room from outside in the hall.
He could hear Ryo laughing a long time after the two had disappeared.
This was bad and this wasn’t meant to become like this but this tiny little idea grew and grew until he started feeling quite lonely. It didn’t help that Ryo’s affectionate touches and gazes were bestowed on all but him. At this point he’d have given anything for some of Ryo’s snarky remarks about his hairstyle.
Nothing seemed to help. After his attempt at a one-night stand there was this annoying guilt building inside him. He realized that all that time he’d been with Ryo in their no strings attached relationship he was exclusive to him.
So he made a mistake, he was new at this having a sex friend thing.
He started to get quite restless. It wasn’t like Shige was in love with Ryo, Shige missed him and at times he felt like marching up to Ryo’s apartment and throw a tantrum like Ryo had done to him. He was starting to realize why Ryo couldn’t suppress his fanciful desires and just continue to be with him. It wasn’t possible, it would only eat him up alive.
Maybe though they weren’t ready for tantrums. That was a very couple-ey thing to do. Shige wasn’t even sure what he wanted from Ryo but going to his apartment didn’t seem like a bad idea.
Up until the point that he rang Ryo’s doorbell Shige wasn’t even sure what he was doing or what he had come to achieve. He had just done it on autopilot. But when the door didn’t open he was overcome with a fear of Ryo still not wanting to see him. When he turned back disappointed Ryo has standing behind him with an eyebrow quirked up.
“You’re late.”
He heard Ryo snort as he pushed past him to open the door.
“Don’t tell me you suddenly need a key.” Ryo mumbled seemingly more to himself than Shige as he struggled with the lock. Shige was surprised he wasn’t ignored.
“That would be nice.” He heard another snort louder this time as Ryo finally turned the knob, a little more forcefully than most doors require to be opened.
This time he really was ignored as Ryo proceeded to enter without another word to him.
Ryo froze, Shige could see his back tense, heaving up and down as Ryo waited at the call of his given name.
“I brought dinner.” Ryo couldn’t see him so he jiggled the packet he was holding to make his point.
Ryo seemed to come back to reality as he relaxed all of a sudden and disappeared with a grunt inside.
He left the door open.