Title: If We Don't Get What We Hope For, Let's Hope For Something Else.
Pairing: Sakuraiba
Rating: G
Disclaimer: No owning
Summary; Aiba is back in Japan
Note: Sakuraiba Omake from "The Scientist" It's been haunting me to write it since yesterday.
“Was it so hard to forgive me?”
Aiba sighed from where he was sitting across from him but his attention focused intently on outside the window.
“No, Sho-chan it was far too easy.”
Sho smiled, “Easy things scare you right?”
Aiba chuckled around his spoonful of cake, “Well, yeah. Since I’m dim-witted everything is hard but when something is easy,” Aiba trailed off to wipe the smile of his face, “I think it shouldn’t be.” He finished, remorse coated lightly on the words.
“Yeah. Well...yeah.”
Sho wanted to fix everything grab Aiba and shake him until he realized what those seven years had meant, apologize, cry and hold him until he did the same, until he could kiss him again, pull him close again.
His hands were so close to his on the table, still soft and still smooth skin that begged to be grasped caressed; Aiba’s warmth still so inviting that he couldn’t understand why he was here on this side avoiding that warmth instead of there with Aiba, embracing it.
Sho scratched his forehead. Three years after he saw Aiba, everything changed. He lost all his right to love Aiba. No, he had lost that three years back when he thought Aiba was replaceable in his life. But he loved Aiba then, still loves him now. But somehow it’s like it is illegal or something so he keeps quiet, puts a zip on all the things he has to say.
He can live without saying them. It would be easier for Aiba to live if he didn’t say them.
Aiba has a life...a family now where Sho doesn’t fit.. Even though Aiba fits in his life, still; Sho doesn’t fit in Aiba’s.
“Did you find someone?” Aiba was still concerned for him and it made his heart warm.
“I tried.”
For a moment Aiba looked hopeful but it passed quickly enough for Sho to imagine it.
“I hope you find someone soon.”
Sho gurgled humourlessly, “Either they remind me of you so much that I can’t bear to stay with them or they don’t remind me of you enough for me to love them.” He said a little scathingly.
“You’re still in love with me, huh?
“Sorry it took you transferring to Africa for three years for me to realize it.” Sho had slept around for a full two years before accepting the fact that what he was looking for wasn’t here in Japan.
Aiba’s pants vibrated.
“Ah, wife’s calling.” Aiba stashed his phone back into his pocket before getting out a few 100 bills for the tab.
“Do you still love me?”
“I need to go.” Aiba waved to someone behind Sho and shot a thumbs up while forcing a smile on his face.
He slung his back onto his shoulder and made to leave
The scuffling of feet stopped.
“Do you still love me?”
There was a long pause filled in by the rush of the café around them.
Sho turned to face Aiba, the answer shooting a tingle through him. But Aiba was gone, outside the door hugging a woman who was probably his wife.
In that instant the little spark of hope that he nursed so long in his heart vanished, left him like Aiba had done three years back. It left him cold and shivering.
Sho completed the tab and got up slowly, hand in pocket, still waiting. This time, for that window to open to illuminate the darkness that the closing door left behind