On the one hand, it seems like a waste of a lot of money and time to drop out after one semester, even if you're not necessarily doing as well as you'd hoped academically.
On the other hand, if you're not happy, you should do whatever makes you happy, and if that's going on a road trip/taking more time off then you should do that.
You gotta do what you gotta do Heath. maybe a road trip is what you need to feel like you're going places but you're not gone for good, like being stuck on the west coast, or down under. I like the UNH manch idea though. Even if in the long run, you decide you dont really want to go back to school, if you do decide that you do, it will be a really nice thing to have a bunch of classes behind you.
so in sum, do what you feel is right. Down the road, it will all work out better.
Comments 2
On the other hand, if you're not happy, you should do whatever makes you happy, and if that's going on a road trip/taking more time off then you should do that.
maybe a road trip is what you need to feel like you're going places but you're not gone for good, like being stuck on the west coast, or down under. I like the UNH manch idea though. Even if in the long run, you decide you dont really want to go back to school, if you do decide that you do, it will be a really nice thing to have a bunch of classes behind you.
so in sum, do what you feel is right. Down the road, it will all work out better.
Love, Kel
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