Jul 26, 2008 22:39
...Wazpinator need some one to talk to...
Jul 05, 2008 23:00
Wazpinator like fireworkzz; oh yezz...Explozionz nice when not cauzzing Wazpinator bodily harm. Pretty and attractive...Wazpinator like to watch.
And Wazpinator VERY glad not have to clean up Ant-bot'z mess.
Jun 29, 2008 11:43
Not mad any more...Went home.
Wazpinator iz happy, for now.
...But...Still confuzed about organic body. Wazpinator feelz too hot around Inferno sometimez, almozzzt like body will overheart. No exhauzzzt ventz...No way to cool down. Wazpinator not know what to do. Overheating bad...Wazpinator not like.
Jun 23, 2008 22:19
((Open invitation every one...HUG HIM! XD))
Jun 15, 2008 23:26
Wazpinator never going to be happy.
Life suckz.
But...Wazpinator iz uzzed to it ~_~
Jun 12, 2008 22:45
Air conditioner in store izzz BROKEN.
Candy iz melting.
Wazzpinator say humanz come eat candy before iz ruined. No charge. If boss complainz, Wazpinator will shoot.
May 29, 2008 07:10
Wazpinator thinking for dayzz...Still very confuzed.
Humanz teach Wazpinator and Inferno about having fun...Having fun NOT suppozed to be scary. Wazzz scary, but...nice. Not know what to think.
Wazpinator probably in trouble...
May 22, 2008 18:59
Wazpinator take nap today...Wake up in other body -_-
Wazpinator starting to realize not so bad to be in thizzzz body. Makez job eazzzier, becauze small humanz not scared of Wazpinator when Wazpinator iz human. Sell more candy when in thiz body, even tho body iz awkward and weird.
Inferno nicer to Wazpinator when in human body, too
May 14, 2008 21:16
There izzzz a garbage truck driving around throwing garbage all over! Wazzpinator covered in moldy food DX
Wazpinator should shoot garbage truck! Ant-bot should BURN garbage truck!!! *grumbles to himself*