Y'know, today I was thinking about how I get through the week, and I think it might be helpful to anyone out there who's having troubles. This is just a basic break-down, but the general idea is there.
Monday - Put off all work if possible, adopt morose attitude, because hey, it's Monday. If you can possibly just fuck around instead of getting things done, this is the day to do it since no one will really notice what you have or haven't been up to until at least Wednesday. You have to BELIEVE in the Mondays. When you watch Office Space, and you hear them talk about it, you might not think it's real, but just try to notice the way you feel on the first day of the week. If anyone questions you, bring them over to your side. "C'mon man it's Monday."
Tuesday - Still too early in the week to really get anything done, but start organizing your things to do into large, general piles. This is so mindless you can do it without wasting any brain processing space, but you will look very busy and you are in fact doing SOMETHING. It's helpful to listen to public radio on this day, so you can hear about other people doing things, and you will feel inspired to be productive, even if you aren't.
Wednesday - Finally time to get down to business. It will actually feel good to get things done today, so go for it. Know that tomorrow you won't be able to get much done, and try to work all day this day if possible. And once you're into the thick of it, it won't seem bad at all, you'll be cruising on the work superhighway, gettin shit done n shit. You may think this would be the case any day, but it is not, do not be deceived. If you try to jump headfirst into your work on any other day, you may break your neck. If you need to show what you've done so far for the week, you can just claim your work from today was from the last three days combined. Make vague excuses as to why this particular week's work is much more harder and miring than ANY other week's work. If that's still not good enough, blame it on "hump day".
Thursday - Take it easy for the first part of the day, you did a lot yesterday. This is a good day for youtube, or to illegally download some new music. While you're waiting on that, might as well do some work. Don't hurt yourself though, there's no possible way to get more than half of Wednesday's work done; it's a scientific fact. Go ahead and start planning the weekend. You'll want to have plenty to do to keep your mind off of your work. This is a good day to go for a coffee break. The combination of going somewhere and caffeine should get you through the day. If that doesn't work, go to WikiU, the University of Wikipedia. Just look up the first thing you're interested in, and read up on it. Then, follow links to find out about similar things you might be interested in. You will hardly be able to wait to tell all your friends the cool new stuff you learned about Nick Cave and David Bowie.
Friday - If there's anything that HAS to be done, try to work on it. You may have a deadline or two, and you will need to focus on those things, but at this point, you might as well crank 'em out without even proofing them. You waited this long to get it done, how important can it really be? Go out for lunch on this day, you're getting paid for all that hard work during the week, so reward yourself a little bit. After lunch, you should peruse your social networking sites to see what's going on for the weekend. There's probably a birthday party for a vague acquaintance at least, and probably someone's going-away party or something. Maybe one of your friends is having an art show, or playing music, and now you can start calling or emailing other friends to make plans. Being on the phone makes you look busy, as does sending emails. You really want to focus on looking busy on this day, because bosses know people are relaxed in their work habits on Fridays. AND your boss is bored too, so he/she is just looking for distractions. "Why not see if we can find a reason to fire that kid who needs a haircut? He's filthy anyways." You don't want to be that kid, especially in this job market. Once you have about an hour of work left, you can start packing to leave and finishing up flash games you might be playing online. Draw-out the packing up, and maybe throw away some of the fast-food cups on your desk. This makes you look clean, like a contributor, and benefits you, because there won't be as many fruit flies waiting for you on Monday.
The Weekend - There will probably be interesting things to do, even if not exciting. You can stand to just "hang out" at a friend's house or "lay on the couch watching tv movies all day" on saturday, because it's the weekend, and this type of behavior is more acceptable at this time. At night, try going to a 24 hr diner and having long conversations with people, preferably ones you know. This makes you feel like you have some human connections in the wold/less alone. If you have chores or projects that need to be done, like cleaning your house or your gutters, this is the time to do them. Friends might come over to your house, and they probably care even less than you do if your grass is "almost two feet high" or there's nowhere for them to sit because your room has "clothes sitting everywhere" but, you all will probably be doing a lot of sitting around, and it makes that much easier if your room is something approaching clean. You don't have to get very used to/good at this however, because you know that someday you will have a servant to do this type of thing, when you're known and wealthy. And if you have any skill you are secretly banking on for the prospect of "making it" in life, you should practice it somewhat on the weekend. But not too hard, I mean, if you were going to be good at it, you would probably be by now.