Very good rant sweetheart, but now take very deep breaths and let them out very slowly. And then you do the GRRRRRR (see userpic, my grrrr icon I nicked) and SQUEEEEE icon and one for me petting your shoulder to get you down again and one to go with the SQUEEEEE in which I swirl you around. Sorry for not leaving a more insightful comment on your rant, but for that it's just too late on my side of the world. ;) *hugs*
*you might find yourself waking up cold and very confused in a crate being shipped to Cuba.*
Make that a crate being shipped to India. My neighbour has this really mean looking dobberman who'd love to bite some sense into them. I mean, how dare anyone say anything nasty to DoS! She's one of the best authors on fandom. Ok I'll stop before I start ranting.
I swear, the reviewers at SR read only every other word. I corrected a girl who thought the fic included the AR in SR, and the next reviewer jumps on that, claiming Spike is still "no innocent". "Blah blah blah...if Buffy has to apologize for all her wrongs, then Spike has to, too...blah blah blah..." Oy, people, get a life! Of course, Buffy has to apologize right now! If you hurt someone's feelings, and you care about them, that's what you do! I don't get why they have such a problem with that.
Comments 12
Insight not needed hun! Your hugs are better than all else!
It just pissed me off some of the things that was said and that one with the WTF Where's the Smut---ugh! I just wanted to throw something at her!
Meh..I'm gonna get all growly again...just suffice it to say I take it personal and I get all GRRRRR when its people I care about. ♥
You should read the reviews she gets over at SR. They're positively nutty!
Make that a crate being shipped to India. My neighbour has this really mean looking dobberman who'd love to bite some sense into them. I mean, how dare anyone say anything nasty to DoS! She's one of the best authors on fandom. Ok I'll stop before I start ranting.
Right now getting stuffies caught up now that my Mum has gone =(
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