iight so here is wha has happened latly:
FRIDAY --went 2 schmidtties...then we met up wif lloyd n we were all goin to 7 oaks cuz we were all gonna chill up there....we ended up havin like 70 ppl there...it was crazii..then we all went 2 wendy's!!
Then went out n met TJ n Jack!! it was iight we were scared the whole time of something i dont remember wha
Some of the memorable moments: da ladder 2 get on da roof, capture da flag on the roof, every1 singing 2 carlo's music,pennington layin on da top of da car while they drove through da drive through at wendy's, n so much more!
SATURDAY--went to nutsacks baseball games wif schmidt, ross, kevin, kev o'neil, and evert!! it was fun even tohugh they lost da championship...p.s. only cuz nutsack couldnt pitch cuz he pitched da game b4
went bac out lata n met jack...umm that was fun O:-)
SUNDAY (4TH OF JULY)--went out then 2 jaime's...then we walked/ran in the pouring rain 2 schmidt's house( which turned out 2 b not kool)*NO 1 SAID EVERYTHING I DID WAS FUN*
MONDAY---was suppose 2 go 2 nutsacks @ 8:30 4 his party..but i fell asleep..oops! so then i went out n went 2 da party at like 1:30 am...most ppl were gone by then but there were still enough
TUESDAY--da damn cops came n talked 2 my family n other ppl bout ridin our 4 wheelers....it was dumb!
WEDNESDAY--was suppose 2 go 2 another party of nustacks but jaime was comin ova so i hadda wait 4 her...so we went there around 11...and as soon as we got there their was a fight...and then 5 min lata cops were there Q us....GRRR!!!
Then Jaime n I came back here 2 chill n we were here 4 about a half hour then Jack called us n we went out n met jack, kenny n sean...o baby was that fun!!! they were all fighten ova me n whos lap i was sitting on ....they hid my flip flops...n so much more **FAVORITE PART OF THE NITE .........KENNY KISSED ME**
Ahh but now im sooo confused cuz kenny liked me las yr n shit...and i duno we fucked everything up...i loved dat kid 4 so long n then i finally get ova him n he pulls that shit!!!