i don't often do memes, but . . .
You scored as VIII - Strength. Strength is not just physical strength, it also means emotional and spiritual strength. It is the Strength to do what you know is right in the face of opposition. Strength to defy convention and authority. Stength does not have to be used directly. It can be inner strength that supports one in the face of attacks on what they hold dear. The person of Strength remains true to their beliefs. In a Tarot reading, this card can indicate overcoming of obstacles and refusal to be beaten down. If badly aspected this card can indicate loss of faith, failure of Will.
VIII - Strength
III - The Empress
II - The High Priestess
I - Magician
XIX: The Sun
XIII: Death
XI: Justice
XVI: The Tower
IV - The Emperor
0 - The Fool
X - Wheel of Fortune
VI: The Lovers
XV: The Devil
Which Major Arcana Tarot Card Are You?created with
QuizFarm.com and i've been meaning to catch up here too,
things here going ok - i've started taking 'rescue sleep' a homeopathic natural sleep aid - and got 8 hours last night! (only woke up once, too!) - it makes such a difference!
have been trying to walk, have got the diet back to where it should be (no wheat, very few grains, no sugar) - and am feeling a lot better - and!!! no period since the one in january! nearly 4 months! maybe this is finally it (tho last year i didn't have it for 6 months and then - it came back!) - i am 53, after all!! and, really i do not want more children!!
have i mentioned how much i love my new computer?! sooo fast! and i joined uknova.com - so i can get old tv things of stephen fry's & other brit shows i love . . .
oh - dream time! a few days before our anniversary i mentioned to m that i had dreamed i was sandwiched between stephen fry & hugh laurie (stephen in the back, natch! definitely a good story there, when i have the chance to write it!) i explained that i seemed to be a sort of interface, so that they could be together without actually, err, being together! the two guys were snogging away, and . . . well - you know! (gee, i wonder why i can't sleep well?!!) he got a bit jealous i think - because on our anniversary - ooh my!!!
and so - yes - 17 years with m! doesn't seem that long - and things get better all the time . . . younger son, when i mentioned it was the anniversary of our first date, asked how i happened to remember it - if i knew at the time it'd be a real relationship, or what - i said, "no - i'm female - all women are like this abt dates - you'll learn!" i swear he shuddered . . .
am still teaching myself to paint, and getting back into writing again, thank goodness . . .
oh - don't tell anyone (he hates that i tell people stuff abt him!) - younger son has started writing a novel! set in a fantasy medieval time . . . and he asked me to do professional critiquing of it! it's pretty good so far (well into the second chapter) - he's really understanding how much is involved in writing - the research, the writing itself . . . and it's nice to be able to relate w/ him on this level, too!
and it's really nice to be back here on lj!
*hugs & love, all my cuties!!!*