Congrats! You just won an ARTHUR KIRKLAND figure.

Aug 04, 2009 05:29

Okay, so we went on Omegle again to ask around that Twilight question and I just ended up inventing some nonsense about an Arthur figure to some guy who totally didn't get it. |D

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
You: Congrats! You just won an ARTHUR KIRKLAND figure. What do you do with it?
Stranger: hmm ....let's see...
Stranger: first...
Stranger: :)
Stranger: hey anyway ..where r ya from?
You: ARTHUR shouts out, "Bloody git!" How do you respond?
Stranger: :) u are so crazy ...
You: ARTHUR thinks you are a wanker. How about taking your new ARTHUR figure for a bath?
Stranger: fisrt plz tell ...where is he from?
Stranger: :P
Stranger: and how old is he???
You: ARTHUR originates from the United Kingdom, but has been shipped to the United States.
You: ARTHUR has currently reached 23 years of age, despite having been a part of this world for over 400 years.
Stranger: :D i see
Stranger: nice to meet him ....he must be very intelligent and kind ...hhahaha despite of i donno him..
You: ARTHUR blushes at your response! His status has been upgraded to "TSUNDERE"!
Stranger: tsundre?:D ..sorry what is it..
You: ARTHUR is relieved at your unawareness and calls you a "bloody git!" However, his embarrassment does not cease.
You: Perhaps it is time to feed ARTHUR. What do you feed him?
Stranger: hmm i hope he is not vegetarian ..coz i can make many kind of meat foods whic are really delicious..
Stranger: :D
Stranger: maybe i would give him some hungarian foods:D coz i love them ..
You: ARTHUR tries to hide his excitement over the meal!
You: ARTHUR wishes for you to try his crumpets. Will you dare to take a bite?
Stranger: anyway i like how u speakin'
You: ARTHUR is saddened that you did not wish to try the crumpets. How will you try cheering him up?
Stranger: and u say me some new words too....dont ya wanna talk msn .,...coz i hafta learn english more and speak better ??? would help me well
You: ARTHUR is not all too familiar with the internet. Unless you teach your ARTHUR figure the ways of technology, his KNOWLEDGE points will not increase.
Stranger: :D
Stranger: i would teach him ..some things if he taught me in english ...
You: ARTHUR is well versed in the language! He happily agrees to teach you! How do you thank him?
Stranger: i ll guess it ...;)
You: ARTHUR does not comprehend your response.
Stranger: i ll make up how i ll thank him ..
Stranger: anyway does arthur study?
Stranger: or has he fished the uni?....
Stranger: or does he work already??
Stranger: :)
You: Of all the country figures, ARTHUR has one of the highest starting knowledge stats. However, his EMOTIONAL stats prevent him from making successful use of his knowledge.
Stranger: so u want to say thathe has finished the schooll yet ...or he did not have to learn :D coz basicly he is clever
Stranger: i ve met many crazy ppl...but u are really mad:D...which state do ya live?
You: It seems ARTHUR could not answer your question because his battery has reached a low level. Your ARTHUR figure will now go into sleep mode. ARTHUR says GOODNIGHT and shuts off to recharge.
You have disconnected.

omegle, arthur kirkland figure, hetalia

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