Title: The Fandom Bicycles
Pairings: Kyuhyun/everyone, Jaejoong (DBSK)/everyone, Kyuhyun/Jaejoong
Rating: R
Word count: 1,011
Summary: Kyuhyun and Jaejoong make a bet as to who can fuck more people in Kpop.
A/N: Prompted by
hyungdeul in
kpopficwangst 6.0. Pure crack.
Kyuhyun really is fast - much faster than Jaejoong expects. )
Comments 78
awww JJ you could have done so much better
Thanks for reading!
Kyu, I've always known he was a slut only he knows how to hide it, and Jae, you too, I'm only surprised Sungmin didn't join the dareXDXD
"18 to me now too."
Kyuhyun blinks, then laughs through his gasps for breath, dragging a hand across his sweaty forehead. "That makes it 19 for me then, hyung. You still lose."
XDXDXDXD Ohh Jae, I knew I didn't like you for your brain<3333
JE, wutXDXD *cacks up with laughter* Please be paying attention to Tegoshi once you enter teh country with such intentions, boys, he might get pissed if you try to interrupt his territoryXDXD (Jaejoong/Pi would be some kind of hot, though... And Kyu/Tacchon, too... Or Nishikido. Well, he is hot with anyone, anyways.
I know nothing - NOTHING - about JE, sobbing.
Thank you bb! <3333
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