Chinese Is The Language Of Love (Series of SJM Drabbles)

Jun 01, 2009 14:18

Title: Chinese Is The Language Of Love
Theme: Series of Super Junior-M-inspired drabbles
Author: thundersquall
Rating: G to PG-13
Pairings: Yesung/Ryeowook, Kibum/Donghae, Siwon/Hankyung/Heechul, Zhou Mi/Eunhyuk, Leeteuk/Henry, Sungmin/Kyuhyun
A/N: There is usage of Chinese characters. Words in italics after whatever is said in Chinese are translations.

Specially for shiryu_yugure. Thank you, sweets, for killing my brain with an overload of Ryeowook smexiness. And you, my friend, know just how this was born.

Yesung/Ryeowook (PG-13)

Yesung fairly leaps on Ryeowook the second the younger man walks through their bedroom door after coming back from a Super Junior-M guesting on Sukira, and Ryeowook soon finds himself in a tangle of eager hands and searching lips and ripped clothing.

He can't say he isn't enjoying the attention, but he also wonders what he's done to warrant it.

"Wait, wait," he says breathlessly, his small hands pushing Yesung away from him. "What's going on, hyung?"

Yesung stops trying to tug Ryeowook's jeans off and licks his lips, looking at him, before saying, "Tell me your name."

Ryeowook blinks. "Uh... Ryeowook?"

"In Chinese," Yesung frowns.

"励旭," Ryeowook says, uncertainly. Li Xu.

Yesung shakes his head in frustration. "No, not like that, do it the way you did just now, on Sukira."

Ryeowook thinks he knows where this entire situation is coming from now, but he smiles at Yesung, his eyes wide and trusting, his smile bright and practically bursting with innocence.

"励旭," he breathes, low, husky, breathy, and so, so sexy.

Yesung groans and crushes his lips against Ryeowook's, his hands working their way into his jeans, too impatient to take them off fully, and even as Ryeowook melts into his touch he continues saying in the same soft voice, "励旭, 励旭, 我是励旭..." Li Xu, Li Xu, I am Li Xu.

It drives Yesung crazy in a way that Ryeowook (and even Yesung himself) never thought possible.

Sungmin/Kyuhyun (PG-13)
Sungmin wakes up in the middle of the night, cold and shivering and turns over to find that Kyuhyun has rolled over in his sleep, taking the blankets with him.

Pouting, he sits up and jabs Kyuhyun in the back. "Kyuhyun-ah..."

No response.

"Kyuhyun, Kyuhyun," Sungmin says, louder this time. "I want some blankies too."

Still nothing; Kyuhyun's breathing is as slow and deep as ever.

"Cho Kyuhyun!" Sungmin practically shrieks, pulling at the blankets, which are trapped under Kyuhyun's arm and body and don't yield to Sungmin's tugging.

The magnae continues sleeping, blissfully unaware of a cold and gradually getting pissed off Sungmin.

Sungmin growls and leans over Kyuhyun, pulling his earlobe hard at the same time as he yells, "圭贤!" into his ear. Gui Xian!

This time Kyuhyun jerks awake, rubbing at his eyes. "Hmmm...? 哥哥,发生什么事?" he asks, still disorientated. Gege, what happened?

Sungmin pauses as the Chinese words spill out of Kyuhyun in a voice still rough from sleep.

"Repeat that," he demands, in a tone that brooks no arguments.

Kyuhyun is confused as hell, but his sleepy mind really isn't up to being snarky at the moment. So he repeats, "哥哥..."

Before he's even finished his sentence, Sungmin is on top of him, kissing him, and Kyuhyun forgets what he's supposed to say next.

Leeteuk/Henry (G)

"How do you say that again?" Leeteuk asks.

"宪华," Henry articulates slowly for Leeteuk's sake, who just can't seem to roll his tongue around the Chinese syllables. Xian Hua.

Leeteuk repeats after him, but it comes out sounding more like Shyuan Wa, Shyuan Wa.

"No," Henry says, slightly frustrated (but just slightly, because he's the sweet little mochi of the group and he's still slightly in awe of the leader, even though he'd never admit it to anyone). "It's 宪华, 宪华. See how my teeth come together at the start? 宪... 华."

Leeteuk stares for a moment, then bursts out laughing, his distinctive high-pitched peals of laughter echoing around the apartment and his dimple flashing.

"W-What?" Henry says, bewildered.

Leeteuk leans over and pinches Henry's cheeks, squealing all the while. "Oh, 宪华, you're so cute when you're in earnest!"

"There!" Henry exclaims, pointing at Leeteuk. "You said it, hyung! You got it!"

"I did?" Leeteuk asks, his hands stilling on Henry's face. Then he breaks out into a huge grin and says, "I guess it comes out easily when I'm distracted!" He resumes cooing over Henry, squeezing and pulling and kneading his cheeks, squealing "宪华!" all the while.

Henry sighs and resigns himself to his squishy fate.

Zhou Mi/Eunhyuk (PG-13)

Zhou Mi and Eunhyuk, despite outward appearances, get along immensely well with one another.

Eunhyuk teaches Zhou Mi the nuances of dance: how to glide along the floor, how to do body waves and body rolls, how to perfect his hip thrusts, how to pop his shoulders and chest.

Zhou Mi, in turn, helps Eunhyuk with the finer points of singing: how to control his voice and his breathing, how to transition smoothly from a low note to a high one, how to throw his voice out from the very back of his throat.

Later at night, the teaching doesn't stop either, as Eunhyuk tells Zhou Mi how to move, faster, or slower, or harder, or to roll his hips just that little bit more.

And Zhou Mi teaches Eunhyuk how to control his volume when calling out his name, how to whisper to Zhou Mi exactly what he wants, and how to beg, all in Chinese.

Siwon/Hankyung/Heechul (PG-13)
Siwon thinks nothing is sexier than to see Hankyung, all slick and sweaty lean muscles, writhing under him and gasping, "始源,始源..." over and over. Shi Yuan, Shi Yuan.

Hankyung, for his part, is captivated by the way Heechul moans his name, the single syllable coming out in little explosions of breath between swollen lips almost like a prayer, "庚,庚啊..." Geng, Geng-ah.

Heechul, on the other hand, utterly loves the sound of himself calling both their names, the Chinese slipping smoothly off his tongue, and he thinks it sounds so much hotter coming from him than from either of the other two men.

Heechul's a narcissist in that way, but Siwon and Hankyung love him anyway, and they make sure to tell him so.

"我们真的很爱你." We really love you.

And whenever Heechul hears that, he somehow forgets himself and thinks that this is the most wonderful thing he's ever heard.

Kibum/Donghae (PG-13)

"Please what?"

"Please, Kibum..."
"Goddammit, Donghae, you're supposed to be a Chinese princess, stop fucking speaking in Korean."

"Okay, okay. Um... 起范,求求你..." Kibum, please.

"Much better."

"Ah! Kibum! Don't!"


"Shit, I forgot... Kibum, this is so hard, you know?"

"Donghae, I swear, screw this up and I will stop right here and you can go finish yourself off."

"No! Don't! Hang on... wait... erm, ok, 起范,不要这样!" Kibum, don't do this!

"Fuck, yeah, Hae."

"Kibum... more... please, more..."



"Fuck, Donghae, you fucking suck at this role-play business."

"Erm... 对不起..." I'm sorry.

"Goddammit. Forget it. And I thought it would be more fun than this. We're never doing this again, goddamn you."

!drabbles, !fanfiction, pairing: various

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