Title: Leashed
Pairing: Brian/Matt
Rating: XXXX haha jk, just NC-17 for smex, leashes, and yeah, smex.
Disclaimer: you think i'd be HERE, if i had THIS to watch?
Dedication: to
screamsynscream , for the inspiration ^.^ and to
jadegates for choosing this for me to write first.
AN: i'm gonna be real egotisical for a second when i say: ladies and gents, grab an extra pair o
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Comments 27
The ending was just perfect for a laugh, I loved it!
thanks so much babe!
Now...maybe...just maybe reading this on the train to work was not the best idea. I know you gave fair warning but I'm weak...however....I can never go to the petshop again that's safe to say.
hopefully no one was in the seat next to you :O
and snickering in the doggie section next to all the pretty collars is totally okay. cause i do it often.
umm *shifty eyes* i can has copy?
I love the image of Brian on a leash. Now if only someone had a picture of that.... I digress.
I can't really focus right now because my brain seems to have melted in itself.
but my god, if that was in picture form, i would not leave my bed for at least 24 hours. is that TMI? ah well.
thanks! glad you liked!
"Can't take your calls I'm... Busy.... With stuff...."
You win. SO HARD. For writing this.
Srly. Brian on a leash. Nghh.
Outstanding, my dear.
Loved it!!
and chyeah, join you on the ngggghh.
also, your icon is loverly. i am starting to see the glory of Ville and may sneak my way into going with Megan to the NYC show.
And you should definitely go.
I must hear all about it if you do. :)
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