Wanna have fun?
So I was not too sure what How to train your dragon would be like. Sure it looked fun and well done, but I could not tell what audience it was aiming at, how much humor it had, and also how the story would be told.
Now I can only say one thing: you should all see it! It is fun, light, really enjoyable, and have I said fun? Not to underestimate, it is also smart. I was genuinely surprised by some turns the story took, and the paths the writers chose to explore and use. This movie also has great voice dubbing, which should be pointed out.
On top of that, it is technically very well done, it looks great, the digital drawing is excellent, and can I mention that I love how they represented the dragons? Brilliant, and fun. By the end you wish you had one :)
If you are looking for a good laugh, and a good feel at the pit of your stomach in the middle of this cold grown up world, I highly recommend this movie.
On a side note, I wish I had been in that room when they discussed the character names :)