I am board. and there is a mouse in my house that is not coperating with my plan to get him out of my home. I my have to resort to killing the little thing if it keeps this up.
Its not getting into any of my food, but that still doesn't mean I want it in my house. Its cute and all but I still don't want it sitting next to me as I'm watching TV. I'm thinking of boring my parents cat for a week or two.
Actually right now I have no idea were it is. I thought I had it trapped in the living room, but I have yet to see the little thing. But then again my living room does have a lot of stuff in it right now so he could be hiding some place.
I suggest offering the little bugger a treaty first. I used peanut butter when dealing with the Mice of East Ave. here in the filthy city and they responded rather well. Once they realized that we had abandoned house though, they took over and even set up a little throne in the living room.
yeah I think I might borrow my parents cat for a few weeks. I had a mouse one other time when I first moved in here four or five years ago but I was able to catch it and let it go down by the lake, this one is not cooperating and I have yet to see it all day, so may be it left mt house and went back down stares.
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