The dear
beix_brittany has reminded me that I'm long overdue to update my journal. I'll try and post a more detailed update with pictures in the next few days but for now this will have to do. :)
It looks like my last LJ post was in January about the problems I was having with my clown-cat Tig. (I finally remembered to unlock those entries in my own Journal - they're duplicates of ones I posted to the various cat communities asking for advice.)
Well, Tig still has isues with wanting to use the litterbox. By 'issues' I mean he'd just as soon never poop again. He and I have nightly discussions about it. The conversation goes something like this:
Me: *takes Tig and his litterbox into the bathroom and closes the door behind us*
*puts Tig in the litterbox*
'Tig, you have to poop.'
Tig: *gets out of the litterbox*
'No I don't'.
Me: *puts Tig back into the litterbox*
'Yes, you do.'
Tig: *gets out of the litterbox*
'No, I DON'T.'
Me: *puts Tig back in the litterbox*
'Yes, you DO.'
Tig: *sniffs the box, assumes the position... poops.*
'What the heck just happened?!?'
Me: 'Told you so.'
It's pretty much the same conversation every night. He's fine with peeing in the box by himself thank goodness. I guess we'll continue to have this conversation every night until the poop centre in his brain reconnects with his butt.
Tig's also on a diet due to the fact that he's too darned fat. Himself is Not Amused.
Jax is still the little cutie she's always been but has decided that she Does Not Like her other brother Neko. She growles and sometimes hisses at him whenever he gets within a few feet of her. Neko's finally learned to be very, very careful when poking at her since she's very pointy and will poke back.
Neko and Tig have pretty much come to an understanding. They respect each other's personal space and therefor don't have any reason to bother with all the hissing mess. I'm hoping to see them playing together someday.
Trinket is still mad that there are other cats in HER house. She hisses at them anytime she sees them. It turns out that Trinket has a very nasty sounding, wet, ugly hiss. It's downright terrifying.
Miss Pretty the bookstore cat is still doing really well. She still has people coming into the store just to visit with her. :3
*A reminder for anyone who needs a 'who's who':
Tig (Trouble in General) - my fat clown-cat with litterbox issues
Jax - my little lady-cat
Neko - Tig and Jax's older half brother who owns my SO
Trinket - the 'old lady' cat of the household who owns the couch in the living room and really wants head rubs omg NOW
Miss Pretty - the bookstore cat who's the mother of Trinket, Neko, Tig and Jax
Work, Pictures and my Garden:
I'm still taking pictures but not as often as I'd like since the job at the bookstore has become a tedious and almost overwhelming mess this summer. It's been almost impossible to get staff this summer who are willing to work for what the owner is willing to pay. And the owner can't seem to understand why the people who are willing to work for what he's offering aren't willing to do all of the messy extras he wants us to do. I'm looking forward to the end of October when he'll be back to working more than a couple of days a month in his own store. :(
I've got a bit of a backlog of pictures to sort through and post, hopefully very soon.
My garden has done really well this year. There are lots of changes I want to make next year but I'm very happy with it especially for a first year. We had lots of sugar snap peas for a couple of months as well as a few peppers.
We've had enough yellow cherry tomatoes that we got a dehydrator to dry them since I don't have the kitchen set up to be able to jar them this year. There are still a couple hundred carrots in the garden in the front yard. We have the usual orange carrots as well as some white and puple ones. It certainly makes for an interesting and colourful meal!
Other stuff:
I've found that the website Magistream is just way to addictive and time consuming to be a good idea but I can't stop playing with it. I think it appeals to the part of me that loves the little details that goes into organizing stuff.
About a month ago, I followed a link to a musical performance group called
Steam Powered Giraffe and can't seem to stop listening to their music. The work and creativity that they've put into the music, costuming and makeup is amazing.
And they make me smile. :)
Someday I'd love to see them perform live.
I've also found that the best (and possibly only) way to stop biting my fingernails (a horrible habit that I've tried to stop for years!) is to simply paint them bright colours. I've gotten a few odd looks from some of my customers at work but the colours make me happy so why not? I guess once you reach a certain age, you aren't supposed to have bright blue or silver fingernails? Too bad since I love those colours. Red or pink is just too ordinary :D
I need to get out more I think. :)