Freshman Year
What year was it?
What were your favorite bands?
Bush, no doubt, nine inch nails, face to face, tori amos
What was your favorite outfit?
black dickies, platform sketchers, blue taradactyl shirt from kmart little boys section
What was up with your hair?
shoulder length, permed, little barettes in the sides
Who was your best friend?
erick allen
What did you do after school?
flag corpse practice (i switched to drill team in 10th grade), hung out with friends, went home and helped my grandma
Where did you work?
Did you take the bus?
Who did you have a crush on?
BRANDON HANSEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!, frank galvan, mike valdez, chris rivea
Did you fight with your parents?
neither of my parents were in my life. just my grandma, and yes.. becuase i was a bratty girl
Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?
trent reznor, gavin rossdale
Did you smoke cigarettes?
yes, marlboro reds
Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day because you were too nervous to find your locker?
hell no i wasnt trying to look like a freshman
Did you have a 'clique'?
not a close knit one but i hung out with all the alterna-kids in the mornings/lunch
Did you have a "Max" like Zach Kelly and Slater?
rainbow roller rink
Admit it. Were you popular?
well liked, but not a popular kid. 9th grade was not my best year socially.
Who did you want to be just like?
kelly mohney
What did you want to be when you grew up?
a lawyer
Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now?
at baylor university
What advice would you give your freshman self?
not to compromise myself to be cool in the eyes of any of the people i knew then, because none of them will matter at 24.