9am: finally drag myself out of bed for my shot.
then got Starbucks and my annoying shot. (to cure my allergies)
11am: ish I get home and go to sleep until
2pm: I get up and say hi to Brian, he has lunch for me yay.
Then I log onto my computer.
I start playing WOW
While I am flying somewhere by Griffin, I have some down time.
I check my email while doing this, yay multitasking.
I get the biggest guilt-trippiest email that I have had an a very long time. The time before it was an ex-boyfriend. This time it was a friend. The short and long of it was that I am a horrible friend for not letting him use me for a laundry mat, half-way house, money, etcetera. Put in was the all famous suicide ploy. Normally I would take the time to sit there and edit myself and wait until I wasn't irritated, but I just spilled it out like it was. I understand his plight being homeless; I've been there. I can't open my door to him. I feel all kinds of guilt, but I can't be that person. I can't hold his hand. He has had the opportunity to get a job for over a year, and has not.
Before I respond to the email, I was just flabbergasted, I didn't know what to say. Should I just ignore it. I discussed it with Brian and felt that I really should respond. Ignoring a problem won't make it go away.
After the big huge email and BCCing it to the hubby. Apparently he got one too.
4:40 Watch Family Guy while Brian does dishes (what a sweetie), then Brian joins me for the end of the show and we watch Robot Chicken.
5:30pm: Niki comes to pick me up. We go to her house, I see her cute kitten. Play with the cats. We eat dinner that she made. Yummy peas and ravioli. We then play King's Blood twice, and we both win once.
9:00pm: Niki takes me home, we are both tired.
9:30pm: We (my household) discuss our current purchase (Wally did that online). We needed and event server for our WOW guild. Yes we are pathetic addicts. Well it was a three for one special, yay. dragonkitty.org will finally be up. We haven't figured out what to do with the other one yet.
9:50pm: We watch "The moment of Zen," part on The Daily Show and continue on to watching the Colbert Report.
10:30pm: I go to bed. I am going to play my Nintendo DS first. Probably going to sleep at 1:00am.
Thanks for ready. Hugs.