Title: A Window Between Us
Author: Tiamat’s Child
Fandom: Star Wars: Rebels
Word Count: 300
Rating: K
Characters/Pairing: Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger
Summary: Hera and Ezra, after Cham heads home.
Warnings: None.
Notes: Triple drabble coda for Star Wars Rebels S02:E15 “Homecoming.”
A Window Between Us
Hera wasn't ready to leave to leave the Ghost's cockpit and go back to the bustle of the carrier, or one of the cruisers, or, for that matter, even the Ghost's common room where Kanan was re-cataloging their terrestrial maps. She felt strange: emptied out and heavy, a feeling she always hoped she'd left behind, this time. She wasn't ready to leave, but she didn't mind when Ezra came in.
He sidled up to the arm of her pilot's seat, diffident, tentative, keeping himself low, lower than her immediate line of sight. Hera turned her head to look at him, and he reminded her so strongly of a carnassi on its most polite behavior, looking to make a friend or ally, that she smiled close mouthed, and slowly, deliberately, blinked. A gesture from her childhood: I see you. I accept your friendly intentions.
Ezra grinned lopsidedly at her and flopped down to sit tailor fashion on the decking. “Hi,” he said, hooking his chin on her armrest.
“Hi,” Hera said. She almost asked if he needed anything, but stopped herself. Chose not to. She knew he didn't. He was offering something.
“I heard you saw your dad off,” he said, shy and open, inviting confidence but not insisting upon it, like the good child he was.
“I did,” she said. She had no way to be reassuring about it. “It was fine.”
“Okay,” Ezra said, after a long moment in which she could almost see him turning her statement over in his mind. “Can I stay here and be with you a while?”
“I'd like that,” Hera told him solemnly.
They shifted and settled. Hera turned in her seat, and Ezra leaned back, bracing himself on his palms, so they could watch each other. So they could watch the stars.
This entry was originally posted at
http://tiamatschild.dreamwidth.org/133298.html. Please feel free to comment there using OpenID. Or here! It'll be read either way, is what I'm saying.