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Comments 7
Yes, that's exactly what I was looking for! You used the experience as inspiration to lead a better more aware life. Thanks for understanding :) I suppose the examples I gave were too violence-oriented, because this is another way to heal and get past it, with self-kindness rather than forcing yourself to change to be aggressive, yet still not withdrawn or weak.
What I was looking for were people who were coping free of unhealthy habits. They post about them, but I find it hard to accept the sincerity that they want to stop.
I still have a problem with RAINN statistics. For example, how many rapes go unreported. What that actually means is the number of people who claim to have been raped but did not press charges for it. The only fair thing to claim in statistics for rape, are those that are legally prosecuted or testified to have happened.
Furthermore, it is not a good representation of the rape numbers as there may be girls who not only never reported it, but will never admit it, which skews the statistics.
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