Lina Attempts Suicide
Lina's been having a hard time ever since she went through with an abortion after Colby had gotten her pregnant. As soon as she got to school on the first day of school, she's been going through hell. Everyone has been giving her such a hard time except very few people. She couldn't handle it anymore and tried to commit suicide. Thankfully, she didn't succeed, but right now she's not accepting visitors but she's had her brothers tell everyone that showed any care about her that she was fine.
Brady Contemplates Quitting His Job
Brady really wants to kill Ceilidh's boss for what he did, but he's thinking that since he's a cop, he won't be able to just kill someone in cold blood. Therefore, he's thinking about quitting the police force. Stephy's trying to tell him that she doesn't want him to quit because she believes that he'll end up regretting it.
Colby Tries Getting Comfort Elsewhere
Colby is really upset about the whole Lina issue. He doesn't know what happened (her attempting suicide) but he's really worried about her. He can't ask her if she's fine because he thinks that if he does, she'll flip out on him. Plus, he can't ask Sean or Pat if she's fine because they want to kill him. To make matters worse, he's tried calling Eri to ask and he just ended up getting bitched out for it. Gavin won't even acknowledge him so asking Gavin's out too. So now he's looking to the one person that shows that she cares (and who's NOT related to him) for some comfort without asking for comfort. He's disguising it as just a friendly get-together. That one person is Livvy.