I want to make a response, but I don't want to make a stupid response, to a post in libertarianism.
http://community.livejournal.com/libertarianism/1772497.html My response is to the first poster... basically I'm putting this here to organize my thoughts.
But we can get rid of any safe harbor. Go place to place and state, you are either with us or against us. We will let you run the policing in your own borders, but if you don't, we will take care of it for you.
Will we be hated? does that make a damn bit of difference from how it is now?
It is the same for within the borders. Aggressive policing. Find the groups, build a case, take them in and try them. Remove their safe harbors. And I don't mean just the government. Neighbors should do what Neighbors are supposed to do. Get to know one another. Be friendly and shake hands over the fence. If you find something that is very supicious, tell someone. If your neighbor is an aryan, make him uncomfortable for his choices, run him out of town or come to his senses. Don't let evil stay in the shadows, shine a light on it and bring it to everyone's attention. Bring back the stocks in the town square for drunk driving and littering and other anti-social behavior. (after proper trial, of course) Make people realize that there are wrong and evil choices.
We can attack the supply lines. We can bomb the headquarters. And we can get to their leaders. It takes time, and it takes the assistance of everyone to get the evil ones. IF you don't help us, you are also one of the evil ones. Very simple. Libya got it, they proved it when they went on the world stage and publicly announced they were going to not pursue nuclear weapon development. That was a veiled promise to say they would not also supply that weaponry to terrorists. Libya continues to distance itself from terrorism. Every one else can get it too.