Animeg has left the country in company with Ryan. (as long as that "Company" left his Christmas gift in his sock drawer *GLARE* ;) Off to beautiful England. ("Beautiful" aside from the damp weather and fog, which really just adds to the rich history and scenery... I saw it in a travelogue ;)
While I personally don't like travel much, I do envy some of the sights, and the general atmoshpere that gives the UK it's 'flavor.' I find myself realizing that significant amount of entertainment, activity, and even philosphy have come from that country. (As I slip disc one of "Red Dwarf" into my DVD player.) I guess I've taken for granted everything since I didn't have to read subtitles on thier movies, or make any extra effort to absorb British literature, it has just been there. Realisticly the influence has been here before the Revolutionay War anyway, so I've just not been thinking about it... cause NOW I'm intrested in going, and seeing, (Read: Feeling) the land which America grew out of (debt owed to Gen. Lafayette), our tales and myths largly inherited from (Arthurian Legend, Robin Hood, Sheakespear, COMMON, Hollywood and our school system uses them so much they're praticly ours too... to say nothing of Ren faires.) and Monty Python crawled to a TV screen. (... and Douglas Adams picked up a pen with Terry Pratchett following on a turtle, and The Heart of Gold buzzed the Red Dwarf while Dr. Who chuckled gleefully at a Dalek.... *ahem*)
Yeah, it'd be cool. :)
I already miss
Animeg, though, and the vacuum forming without her here is at once draining, and oddly liberating. I feel like a light has gone out and I can drift around in the dark all shinobi like... Unsettling. Sensation.
However, I've got my own mini-vacation to contend with, and lots of chores to fill it with. Hopefully a 'functional' vacation will be just as relaxing as a real one once complete.
Happy/safe/fun time to our travelers! Bring back all your pictures and stories! I can't wait to see you again Love! :*:*:*
(The last line was directed to
Animeg you conspiracy theorists.)