And if Daddy died on his trip, we're going to Disneyland!!!
Do you maybe loathe Chuck E. Cheese as all sane adults do, and your family is simply making sure you're in a different time zone, you despise it so much?
Both of us despise it, but we got some coupons that only good before 3pm. Such are the benefits of being a homeschooling family.
The Disneyland crack reminds me of another Great Moment in Parenting. Once I was in Orlando for some training and in the evening I wanted a taste of the official Disney Experience but I wasn't about to pay full price to go in the park for an hour or two. So I went to Downtown Disney, which is essentially a giant shopping mall just outside the park. In the giant arcade they have there, there were kiosks at the tables where you could send mad-lib type emails. I sent one home saying, essentially, "Hey, I'm in Disneyland, having a great time, etc. etc.", thinking that they'd find it cute and exciting.
Less than a minute later, my cell phone rings and my wife demands that I explain to our sobbing little girl why Daddy got to go to Disneyland and she didn't.
Oh man. Poor little girl. I was so excited about Disney when I was little -- I really thought it was the most awesome thing ever in the entire universe.
It's pretty amusing in your 20s too, if you go with college friends.
Okay, that was really freaking funny. I'd be an evil parent and use a "call from Disneyland" for child-rearing purposes. Kid acts up? "Okay, we're going to Disneyland without you! We'll call you when we get there in about an hour!" Somebody sterilize me!
Comments 8
Do you maybe loathe Chuck E. Cheese as all sane adults do, and your family is simply making sure you're in a different time zone, you despise it so much?
The Disneyland crack reminds me of another Great Moment in Parenting. Once I was in Orlando for some training and in the evening I wanted a taste of the official Disney Experience but I wasn't about to pay full price to go in the park for an hour or two. So I went to Downtown Disney, which is essentially a giant shopping mall just outside the park. In the giant arcade they have there, there were kiosks at the tables where you could send mad-lib type emails. I sent one home saying, essentially, "Hey, I'm in Disneyland, having a great time, etc. etc.", thinking that they'd find it cute and exciting.
Less than a minute later, my cell phone rings and my wife demands that I explain to our sobbing little girl why Daddy got to go to Disneyland and she didn't.
Oh, the toys I had to buy on that trip.
It's pretty amusing in your 20s too, if you go with college friends.
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