Er.. bored.. Not ready to sit down and read yet.
1. Have real blonde hair and real blue eyes.
2. Almost died when I was born.
3. Kittiest person I know (people who know me will agree)
4. Have a star tattoo.
5. Have a one-eyed cat named Bob.
6. Black is my favorite color because I am a goth!
7. Dressed up as Miriya in flight suit to Anime Expo.
8. I always need candy/cookies or something sweet everyday.
9. Love fashion and clothes a lot.
10. Sex.
11. I have found a 100 dollar bill before. Then returned it to the man who lost it. I consider it good karma.
12. Got into a fight when I was little and beat the crap out of this boy. He ended up in a rose bush. (I didn't even start it)
13. I <3 going to raves and goth clubs.
14. Dream of being on suicide girls. Whether or not I actually want to is different.
15. Will go through spells where I just have nightmare after nightmare. The scareist nightmares too.
16. Want to move to england. Livein England, visit France and party in Germany.
17. Am half Deutch. ^.^
18. Cannot see anyway someone can be a republican. Unless they are a greedy rich person.
19. Am a Communist/socialist.
20. Consider my religious affiliation either athiest- or jedi.