(no subject)

Apr 27, 2009 14:42

The weirdest thing that's ever happened to me (that I can remember) happened Saturday morning when I was driving to camp.

Want the short version? 
    Some psycho crazy lady stalked me because she thought I was sleeping with her almost ex-husband, who still happens to be her f*uck buddy.

I left my apt at like 7:15, was supposed to pick up Domino around 7:30, and be at camp for 8:45. Would've worked if not for the psycho stalker lady who followed me from my apt.... I saw this lady going the opposite direction of me as I was on my street, thought nothing of it. Then she appeared next to me at the red light by W Esplanade and Williams, honking and motioning for me to roll down the window. I did, thinking she might need directions or something. She started asking me about where I had just come from, naming place that I'd never heard of even (I know now that they're down the street or around the corner from where I live). But I told her I didn't know what she was talking about. Then she asked about a car that was parked nearby my apt, a Mercedes convertible. I told I'd seen it, didn't know anything about it. She asked me if I knew some guy. I didn't. I don't really know many of my neighbors by name. They mostly don't speak English. She kept asking me random stuff like that, getting kind of aggravated that apparently I didn't have the answers she wanted. By then the light had turn green, horns were honking behind me, and I was thoroughly confused as to what this lady wanted with me. I told her I really had to go, especially since the light turned. She asked me to pull over for a minute and talk to her. I told her I didn't have time because I'd be late for work, which was very true. She was like "You don't even have a minute?" I told her no, but that if she needed directions or something I was sure a gas station cashier could help better then I could, seeing as I'm crummy with directions, and then started driving off. She tried again at the next stoplight to get my attention, but luckily I was turning. I thought I was safe, until I saw her change lanes and come after me!! I was kinda creeped out at this point... She tried to get next to me at each of the stoplights on Power Blvd, but they kept turning green right as we'd get to them. I had already rolled the window back up and turn up the music to drown out her constant honking at me and was almost to the I-10 on ramp, thinking I was safe, when light turned red and she caught up to me. She layed on the horn, motioning for me to roll down the window again. I did, and spat out an aggravated "What?". She asked me again about that guy, told me that he was her husband and that she REALLY needed to talk to me. She told me she saw my car parked on the street, saw me come out of the same gate he does when he leaves his apt, and wanted to know what was going on.

My first thought: What?! Are you freaking kidding me??? This crazy lady is stalking me because she thinks I just came out of her husband's apartment? L.M.A.O. This chick is CRAZY!!!

This might not have been the smartest move, but since I was about to get on I-10 and I was scared she might try to pull me over while going like 70, cause a wreck, and push things waaay beyond ordinary craziness, I looked right, saw that Bonnabel's parking lot was fairly full, and turned. She followed me (of course). I pulled in, making sure I couldn't be blocked in, left the car running and in drive, and got my phone out and ready to dial 911 if necessary. She came out of her car and starts (angrily, might I add) asking me again about this dude who is her husband (who she's separated from, but still sleeps with), telling me about how my car didn't look familiar and I was parked in front of where her husband lives, and how she just saw me coming out of the place where SHE KNOWS her husband comes in and out of to get to his apt. Seriously, at this point I was so effing annoyed that she was drilling me like that, and making me late for work! She chose to frickin stalk me around because she thought I was screwing around with her hubby because my car was parked on the street and the same walkway that leads to his apt, also leads to mine?! Really??? Even after I told her that my driveway was full so I HAD to park down the street, that the one walkway she sees leads to 2 apartment buildings, each with 3 apartments, and that I truly had no idea who her husband was, she was STILL drilling me!! I finally left. I told her I didn't know what she was talking about, that I was definitely NOT doing anything with her husband, and that not only was I late for work, but now my friend was also, and drove away. I think she might've been under something's influence too... :/

I really can't believe that happened... It's soofa king crazy, right? Anyone who knows me would probably think it's even more hilarious lol. And although I'm brushing it all off with amusement, I feel the need to look around whenever I leave my place, and my roommates tell me to carry the mace keychain just in case she comes back with intent to hurt me. I don't think it's all that serious, but if I ever see her around here I'm turning the opposite direction.

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