Title: A Moment to Remember 1/?
Pairing: Hankyung/Heechul, Siwon/Heechul, Siwon/Sungmin.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, sadly. Only the story is mine, plot inspired by the movie Eraser in My Head.
Author's notes: The Siwon/Heechul killed me while writing.. typing.
Summary: When a memory is gone so is the soul.. they say.
Sir, do you have a light?
The train station was surprisingly empty, a few passer-bys here and there. One particular homeless man sat next to Hangeng, asking him if he could burn his cigarette he’s been dying to smoke.
“When a memory is gone.. so is the soul they say”
Hangeng rethinks his past memories wondering what he could have done to make everything go back to the way it was, when he was truly happy with the one he loved the most.
“Ah, a memory! Hey man.. let me tell you what I remember, I remember when you were walking over here I saw you smoking, so just please let me smoke this.” The man will not take Hangeng’s ridicules nonsense right now; he has enough to deal with.
“When a memory is gone.. so is the soul” He repeated.
The homeless man muttered something about hopeless men and when he will ever smoke this.
Heechul has been sitting in the train station waiting for his love to come. He’s been here for almost 3 hours now, ignoring all the looks from the homeless people who decided to stay for the night. He rethinks back to last night when he was surrounded with sheets, wrapped among strong arms.
“Let’s run away together” Siwon whispered while playing with a few strands of Heechul’s soft hair.
“I’ll leave her chul, don’t worry I promise it’ll just be me and you this time. No one will ever get in between us.”
“But what about your job? Your wife? Family? You know how your father is.” It wasn’t Heechul’s fault he was being difficult he loved Siwon more than anything, but he didn’t want him to get hurt.
“I don’t care about any of it or anybody all I want is to be with you”
Heechul was still hesitant about the idea, but he didn’t get a chance to make his decision thoughtfully, soon he found Siwons lips on his cheek right by his ear and he whispered the one sentence he loved hearing most The only one that could make his stomach do a billion flips per second.
“I love you Kim Heechul.”
He made his decision.
“Mhm.. You better.” Siwon scoffed how much he loved this man was beyond him to comprehend.
Everything was quiet the only thing audible was the light breathing of the tired couple. It wasn’t an awkward silence, only sharing the warmth the other brought. Siwon was pretty sure Heechul was already asleep, his eye-lids also getting heavier and heavier each passing second. Before he drifted off to a deep slumber he heard the one sentence he loved hearing the most.
“I love you too… but you better not leave me.”
That was before Siwon stood him up, now he all he wanted to do was kill that son of bitch. How could he leave Kim Heechul? Out of everyone in the world he chose him. Siwon was everything to Heechul even though he would come to his apartment past midnight. Their affair had been going on for 4 months so far and he knew he was getting himself into deep shit, but man Siwon was just so tempting. Siwon with his sexy body and Siwon with his right choice of words that made Heechul fall for him.. Hard. He knew he was happily married with a beautiful wife name Sungmin she was gorgeous, everything a man could ever want she had. Heechul knew he could never compare himself to a woman even though he thought he had sexier legs than her, she had something he would never ever have: a ring to show off to everyone AND a gorgeously handsome husband. But when he had Siwon in his bed, panting above him he let go of all the consequences. He’s never been able to say no to him since and always giving in, he never wanted to let go of the image of Siwon moaning his name every night and not his wife’s.
Depressed and on the verge of crying, Heechul decided to go to a nearby convenience store, maybe they have some beer or Coke for me to ease off the stress he thought to himself. The only thing they had was a can off Coke, but it’ll do.
“$1.25 Miss…”
“You gave me five dollars so your total change is $3.75.. Thank you.”
Heechul just wanted to die right now, burn in a hole and disappear from the world. How could he be so stupid to fall for a married man! The best idea he came with as to why Siwon stood him up was that he never even loved him; all he wanted was his body. Once Heechul agreed to run off with him he bailed out and would find another man to play with. Still feeling angry at him self, Heechul realized he left his Coke on the counter making him more pissed off he walked back to the convenience store. Suddenly once he got to the door someone bumped into him, almost knocking him to the ground. Heechul moved to his right hoping the person would just go, but the man moved to his left in a result they bumped into each other again. Finally looking at that bastard something caught his eye, the very man standing right in front of him was holding the can heechul just bought, looking over at the cashier counter he saw that the coke can was also gone. Being the person he is he took the can from the stranger’s hand gulping HIS soda then walked away ending his chug with a loud and obnoxious burp. The stranger smirked his face looking like he’s never seen someone so beautiful in his life..
God, why the fuck does all of this happen to me right now? What did I do in life to deserve this? FuckFuckFuckFuckFuck. Heechul took the bus home wanting to rest, he realized again that he forgot his wallet back at the convenience store where he bumped into that idiotic man, sighing he got off the bus once again opening the doors to the store. Thankfully, the man left.
“You must’ve been in a hurry.” The cashier said and placed Heechul’s wallet and the coke unopened, looking new as when he got it off the refrigerator on the counter.
“No one took any money or your drink.”
He muttered a ‘Thank You’ to the cashier man, hoping he will never see that stranger again because if he did, he owed him a Coke.
A/N: Agian, the Sichul just... broke my Hanchul heart D: