Title: A Moment to Remember (Prologue)
Pairing: Hankyung/Heechul, Siwon/Heechul, Siwon/Sungmin.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, sadly. Only the story is mine, plot inspired by the movie Eraser in My Head.
Author's notes: FIRST EVER STORY! :)
Summary: When a memory is gone so is the soul.. they say.
Kim Heechul, a 28 year old soon-to-be fashion designer, being stood up at the train station by his lover, a man who is also married. Depressed and angry, he goes to a convenience store where he bumps into a tall handsome foreign man with who he has a slight misunderstanding with. Following that, he returns home and receiving the forgiveness of his father for making the family an embarrassment, decides to start life afresh, forgetting his past and making a better future for him self making sure he will never fall in love again. One day while accompanying his father, who is the head of a construction site, he coincidentally meets the man who he earlier bumped into at the convenience store. His name is Hangeng, the construction site's handyman who is also aiming to become an architect. Hangeng may appear like a rough and dirty construction worker initially who can’t understand the basics of Korean, but he does show sheer softness when it comes to Heechul’s safely and well-being and is pretty handy to house work or broken car doors. Heechul instantly takes a liking to Hangeng’s personality as well as his handsome features ignoring his promise to himself. There are many sweet moments that take place in their new found relationship which eventually leads to their marriage. From here though, things go downhill… and fate will quickly determine if Hangeng and heechul were really meant to be together.